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Author Topic:   2024 US Presidential Election
Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 29 of 1639 (911582)
07-17-2023 12:50 PM
Reply to: Message 28 by Phat
07-17-2023 11:05 AM

Re: Out with Trump! In with Young Blood!
Phat in Message 28 writes:
If Ramaswamy made it to the general election, (a long-shot, admittedly) the Dems would not put Biden up against him. They would find another way.
You don't seem to understand how candidates are chosen in the United States. Can you point to a single time, in the whole history of this country, when either major party changed candidates after the other party elected a candidate during the primaries?

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 28 by Phat, posted 07-17-2023 11:05 AM Phat has replied

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 Message 30 by Phat, posted 07-17-2023 3:51 PM Tanypteryx has replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 31 of 1639 (911590)
07-17-2023 4:13 PM
Reply to: Message 30 by Phat
07-17-2023 3:51 PM

Re: Out with Trump! In with Young Blood!
Phat in Message 30 writes:
Unless they plan on keeping him quiet. Anything he says wont make a whole lot of sense.
No one I know has any trouble understanding him now. You just don't like it because not one of the republican nutjobs you worship can match his intellect, wisdom, experience or accomplishments.
Not a single one of the leaders of the NATO members had any trouble understanding exactly what President Biden had to say, just last week.

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 30 by Phat, posted 07-17-2023 3:51 PM Phat has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 48 of 1639 (911638)
07-20-2023 10:57 PM
Reply to: Message 47 by Percy
07-20-2023 9:31 PM

Re: A Clarification on the Trump Rape of Jean Carroll
or even criminally investigated.
Ken Starr tried.

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 47 by Percy, posted 07-20-2023 9:31 PM Percy has replied

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 Message 50 by Percy, posted 07-21-2023 7:42 AM Tanypteryx has replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 54 of 1639 (911645)
07-21-2023 12:12 PM
Reply to: Message 50 by Percy
07-21-2023 7:42 AM

Re: A Clarification on the Trump Rape of Jean Carroll
Any Ken Starr findings could only have ended in impeachment before Congress, not a trial before a judge, and so his investigation was considered political
Yeah, but originally Starr was looking for criminal activity with regard to Whitewater (some kind of land deal as I remember) and then spent 4 years going down numerous rabbit holes looking for something, anything to fuck over Clinton. If Clinton had told them to "Go fuck yourselves" instead of answering their questions about private, consensual sexual activity, he would have been fine, but instead he lied.
Starr did reveal some pretty sleazy and dishonorable behavior by Clinton, but he has been a better human being since his time in the Whitehouse, at least he seems that way to me.
Sorry for dragging this discussion off topic.

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 50 by Percy, posted 07-21-2023 7:42 AM Percy has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 93 of 1639 (911703)
07-24-2023 11:59 AM

Wager Stakes?
Yesterday author David Brin posted this on his Facebook page, it seemed like he was talking directly to Mark9K:
David Brin:
WEAPONIZATION of Justice, elections, journalism and science? WHY are so many high republicans getting indicted? The right's narrative #1 is that a quarter million FBI/Intel/military officers, prosecutors &judges (half of them GOP appointees) are all at once and in cahoots - perfect collusion 'weaponized' against American conservatism... abetted by 99% of scientists ... assisting Democrat MAYORS at electoral cheating that was executed so perfectly that it left no traces... right under the noses of a dozen red-state Republican governors and secretaries of state who actually controlled the running of elections.
Theory #1 - pushed relentlessly by Fox and the whole MAGA nuremberg rally - is such a magnificent narrative! Such incredible competence by all the nerds you hate! Especially by the quarter million men and women who also won the Cold War and the War on Terror and who limited a recent plague. Such sci-fi-movie level competence would seem stunning in its scale and perfection.
Gee, I wonder why nearly all of those folks would have it in for an oligarch-financed cult that serves the Kremlin and petro-sheiks, casino mafiosi, hedge lords and inheritance brats? If #1 is true, then I admit I'm tempted to root for such competence against evil! Tempted, but no, I am a fan of light. PROVE #1 to me and I'll look into opposing even those professions I admire!
Ah, but then there's the alternative theory. That what we see is what's true. That those quarter million heroes - plus half a million more science workers and half a million civil servants and election workers - are actually decent folks, keeping an eye even on each other, on our behalf.
The theory that scores of diverse grand juries across the nation have indicted almost a hundred times(!) as many high GOPpers as demmies for a different reason. NOT as part of a grand conspiracy - executed with inhuman perfection - but over the course of uncovering one criminal after another, then the next pervert and the next traitor and the next corrupt SOB and the next, amid a swirling cesspit of wretched evil that today's Republican establishment has become.
I can see why some folks cling to theory #1, desperately suckling it from their boob tubes. But sorry, #2 seems more plausible.
Tell you what. How about we put wager stakes on any of it?
Where're you going?

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

Replies to this message:
 Message 94 by Omnivorous, posted 07-24-2023 2:48 PM Tanypteryx has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 138 of 1639 (911856)
07-27-2023 8:16 PM
Reply to: Message 135 by AZPaul3
07-27-2023 2:38 PM

Re: A history lesson
Another idiotism from marc9000.
I just hope he's sending Trump all his money!

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 135 by AZPaul3, posted 07-27-2023 2:38 PM AZPaul3 has not replied

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 Message 143 by DrJones*, posted 07-30-2023 12:50 AM Tanypteryx has replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 159 of 1639 (911902)
07-31-2023 7:08 PM
Reply to: Message 143 by DrJones*
07-30-2023 12:50 AM

Re: A history lesson
DrJones* in Message 143 writes:
Tanypteryx in Message 138 writes:
I just hope he's sending Trump all his money!
but trump is a billionaire, why does he need other's people money? unless.......
Oh, the Turd doesn't need it. I just love that he's making even bigger fools of his followers than just getting their vote, he's conning them into giving their savings to him.

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 143 by DrJones*, posted 07-30-2023 12:50 AM DrJones* has not replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 199 of 1639 (912007)
08-07-2023 4:22 PM
Reply to: Message 198 by Tangle
08-07-2023 1:25 PM

Re: Republican Style Leadership in Action
Tangle in Message 198 writes:
How does it work? 50 years ago he'd be impossible to select, now despite his known horribleness and corruptness he might be your next president.
Well, (a) 50 years ago we had Nixon, who was "above the law" and served no time for his corruption, but a bunch of his co-conspirators did. Then (b) Reagan's corrupt administration had numerous people serve prison sentences for crimes committed with Reagan's approval. He actively courted the fundamentalists and endorsed their so-called pro-life/pro-guns/pro-death penalty brand of Christianity without ever joining any church, he just politicized all the religious nutjobs! Then (c) Bush/Cheney and their approval of torture, skimming billions of dollars from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then (d) the election of "Tea Party Assholes" to Congress in 2010 and later, in response to an African-American being elected President. The Republicans, ALL Republicans, voters and politicians, embraced the corruption of their party and competed on levels of corruption they could achieve. They have been aimed at Trump for 43 years!
now despite his known horribleness and corruptness he (Trump) might be your next president.
I predict that if he is elected again, he will be the last President of the United States of America and that 2024 will be the final legitimate election in the U.S. I also predicted this, erroneously in 2016 when he was elected the 1st time, but it was a close thing.
I'm still stunned when I hear Republicans supporting his policies and his record!

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 198 by Tangle, posted 08-07-2023 1:25 PM Tangle has not replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 263 of 1639 (913908)
12-12-2023 12:43 PM
Reply to: Message 262 by Percy
12-12-2023 12:36 PM

Re: The Emperor Has No Clothes
It's a cult.

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 262 by Percy, posted 12-12-2023 12:36 PM Percy has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 317 of 1639 (914584)
01-24-2024 8:30 PM

Record High Stock Markets, Record Low Unemployment
The stock markets have hit record highs 4 times in the last week. Inflation is lower in the U.S. than any other industrialized nation thanks to Biden's bailouts during the pandemic in 2021-22. Unemployment is at historic lows.
Meanwhile, Trump says he's praying for the U.S. to go into a recession and half the time he thinks he's running against Obama. The Turd shows clear signs of growing dementia, along with about 40% of the population. Funny, they all like to wear the same red hats as a uniform.

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

Replies to this message:
 Message 318 by dwise1, posted 01-24-2024 8:52 PM Tanypteryx has not replied
 Message 319 by Percy, posted 01-25-2024 12:21 PM Tanypteryx has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 323 of 1639 (914677)
01-29-2024 11:39 AM
Reply to: Message 321 by Phat
01-29-2024 10:16 AM

Re: Janet Yellen on the Campaign Trail?
Phat in Message 321 writes:
America's economy will implode within 4 years. You heard it here first. But go ahead and listen to the talking heads in the government. You all will soon see that I was right.
Do you have any specific predictions about what specific monetary policies will result in this implosion? What are you planning to do to protect your fortune?
Just what exactly are the warning signs you see in the booming economy today that are driving the coming economic implosion?
Just for reference:
The U.S. has record employment, and in fact, there are shortages of trained workers in many sectors.
The U.S. stock markets are at historic highs.
The U.S. inflation rate is the lowest of industrialized nations, partly thanks the the Inflation Reduction Act.
Even with really high prices, the housing market is booming. (Just south of my home is a housing development, with 500 homes planned. They are completing multiple homes per week and they are selling as fast as they're finished, the prices start at $425K. New apartments are going up all over the place too.)
I do think the largest unaddressed threat to the U.S. economy is a growing lack of trained workers across almost every sector. Meanwhile, politicians and "boards of education" are banning books and cutting fields of study from university curriculums.

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 321 by Phat, posted 01-29-2024 10:16 AM Phat has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 335 of 1639 (914788)
02-02-2024 2:14 PM

353,000 jobs created in January 2024
Yep PHAT, we're in the middle of a recession!
Dow Jones Industrial Average right now is 38,695.04.

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

Replies to this message:
 Message 336 by Phat, posted 02-02-2024 3:13 PM Tanypteryx has replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 337 of 1639 (914796)
02-02-2024 4:24 PM
Reply to: Message 336 by Phat
02-02-2024 3:13 PM

Re: 353,000 jobs created in January 2024
Phat in Message 336 writes:
Yahoo Finance painted a different picture.
No, it didn't. It agreed with the statistics I posted. They did post information about the ignorance of the American public, but that doesn't change the fact that the U.S. economy is performing better than any other industrialized country.

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 336 by Phat, posted 02-02-2024 3:13 PM Phat has not replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 344 of 1639 (914816)
02-04-2024 5:31 PM
Reply to: Message 341 by Phat
02-04-2024 2:11 PM

Re: Lies,Damned Lies, And Statistics
Phat in Message 341 writes:
I believe it when people say that many people of ill intent have already entered our country. If that is a Republican-based propaganda I have fallen for it.
You are right and at the very top of that list of people of ill intent toward America is EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN MEMBER OF CONGRESS! You know, the ones who have rejected the most comprehensive immigration bill in 40 fucking years, simply because the ORANGE TURD wants to use immigration in his campaign, since he can't use the Biden economic recovery from the TURD years!

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 341 by Phat, posted 02-04-2024 2:11 PM Phat has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 4597
From: Oregon, USA
Joined: 08-27-2006

Message 377 of 1639 (914881)
02-06-2024 5:25 PM
Reply to: Message 375 by AZPaul3
02-06-2024 5:02 PM

Re: Sources Of Information
I’m having other thoughts. I hope the Supremes take up this appeal. I want to see the legal arguments set in stone.
Well, they couldn't get any worse than money is speech, corporations are people, and gutting the Voting Rights Act!

Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
What if Eleanor Roosevelt had wings? -- Monty Python
One important characteristic of a theory is that it has survived repeated attempts to falsify it. Contrary to your understanding, all available evidence confirms it. --Subbie
If evolution is shown to be false, it will be at the hands of things that are true, not made up. --Percy
The reason that we have the scientific method is because common sense isn't reliable. -- Taq

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 Message 375 by AZPaul3, posted 02-06-2024 5:02 PM AZPaul3 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 378 by AZPaul3, posted 02-06-2024 6:46 PM Tanypteryx has replied

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