USA 1776 writes in Message 20:
It is not possible to include information about specific people, all the objectives, or the specific things restricted all in one message on a forum. This is why they weren't included- not because they aren't real or known.
It seems more likely that the reason you did not include links, was that those links would show that you were posting bullshit.
But it doesn't matter. The regular participants on this forum can already tell that your post is nonsense.
The area referred to as "the ozone hole" is not actually a hole, and it is not to be described as such in order to further a certain narrative.
More bullshit.
Yes, it was not actually a hole. This was well known and well described at the time. Why are you even bringing this up. You seem to be trying to make it out that this was a deception. There was no deception.
The ozone hole theory, and certain related words are not directly mentioned in Green New Deal legislation, because legislative and regulatory papers are not generally the area in which the scientific theories behind their existence are mentioned.
This is more bullshit.
The Green New Deal was about global warming. It was not about the Ozone hole.
The Green New Deal is not an original, standalone plan. It is simply the latest version of a long political continuum, which has much of its genesis in the late 1980's with the announcement of the ozone hole.
Maybe you should try going back to 1962, when Rachel Carson wrote her book "Silent Spring". By contrast, the ozone hole was a mere blip.
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