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Author Topic:   The Salesmen of the Green New Deal
Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 42 of 181 (919333)
07-07-2024 11:37 AM
Reply to: Message 31 by USA 1776
07-06-2024 11:46 PM

Learn a few basics.
First the ozone hole issue:
The ozone layer helps protect us from the effects of solar radiation.
The fact that we observed holes in the ozone layer caused folk to wonder what caused those holes and were they harmful.
Observations over many decades showed the holes growing larger over time.
SO, first experiments were done in laboratories to determine those effect and also what might cause the depletion of ozone.
Note: experiment, tests, actual data.
The results were that the holes did allow additional solar harmful solar radiation and identified CFCs as one thing commonly used and released into the atmosphere and a potential cause of ozone depletion.
Note: experiment, tests, actual data.
But could CFCs actually reach such altitudes?
Next step, get samples of the atmosphere at the holes and in other locations in the Ozone layer.
Note: experiment, tests, actual data.
Test the sample CFCs recovered to identify if they match CFCs currently used and released.
Note: experiment, tests, actual data.
They matched.
Note: experiment, tests, actual data.
Logical next step. Stop releasing CFCs.
Continue monitoring. Over time the percentage of CFCs found in the ozone layer decreased and the size of the holes stopped increasing.
Basics. Learn the basics and also learn how to think.

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 Message 31 by USA 1776, posted 07-06-2024 11:46 PM USA 1776 has not replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 49 of 181 (919347)
07-07-2024 6:47 PM
Reply to: Message 45 by USA 1776
07-07-2024 3:31 PM

Stop being a typical Christian Cult of Ignorance example.
First the ozone issue was and is totally unrelated to the problem of Global Warming.
Scientists noticed a long term trend that accelerated as we adopted burning more fossil fuels.
Note: observation over time.
The question of what that humans produce in quantity and release in to atmosphere could account for the trend was investigated and carbon dioxide and methane were identified as likely.
Note: experiment, tests, actual data.
Samples were taken at many altitudes world wide and a correlation between methane and carbon dioxide rates over higher industrial countries and the percentages reaching the upper altitudes was established.
Note: experiment, tests, actual data.
Wind patterns and historical records correlated to the data from the field.
Note: experiment, tests, actual data.
You have to be dumber than a red brick to not see how this works and how it is tested.
What would increased global warming mean for humans?
Again, studies and tests and historical records all said "Nothing Good".
Monitoring world wide continued to confirm Global Warming.
Many nations are attempting to reduce the coming effects but thanks to willful ignorant folks like you may not succeed.

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 Message 45 by USA 1776, posted 07-07-2024 3:31 PM USA 1776 has replied

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 Message 66 by USA 1776, posted 07-07-2024 10:06 PM jar has replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 50 of 181 (919348)
07-07-2024 7:16 PM
Reply to: Message 45 by USA 1776
07-07-2024 3:31 PM

More and important basics. How science works; 101 level.
How science works.
First, someone makes and observation and asks others if they see the same thing. If yes then next step, if no, the observation put into the interesting box.
If yes then there are three steps:
publish the observation:
propose a cause for the observation:
test the proposed cause and try to falsify it: Note: science is based on falsifying, only when it cannot be falsified then move on.
if cause is falsified, propose another cause and try to falsify it.
Science works and has worked because it strongest tool is doubt and the active attempt to discredit.

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 Message 45 by USA 1776, posted 07-07-2024 3:31 PM USA 1776 has not replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 52 of 181 (919350)
07-07-2024 8:26 PM
Reply to: Message 51 by Tanypteryx
07-07-2024 7:59 PM

There are only three ways; by being educated in a Christian Cult of Ignorance School or willful ignorance or simply a liar.

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Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 54 of 181 (919352)
07-07-2024 8:43 PM
Reply to: Message 53 by USA 1776
07-07-2024 8:39 PM

Re: Be nice
Of course facts change and change constantly. That's why research continues and long established beliefs get overturned.
Stop being willfully ignorant.

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 Message 53 by USA 1776, posted 07-07-2024 8:39 PM USA 1776 has replied

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 Message 56 by USA 1776, posted 07-07-2024 9:01 PM jar has replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 57 of 181 (919355)
07-07-2024 9:01 PM
Reply to: Message 55 by USA 1776
07-07-2024 8:58 PM

Again. you are simple repeating obvious falsehoods. The evidence is clear that the science identified a whole different sets of gases that are causing global climate warming.
You are an embarrassment to Christianity.

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 Message 55 by USA 1776, posted 07-07-2024 8:58 PM USA 1776 has not replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 60 of 181 (919358)
07-07-2024 9:16 PM
Reply to: Message 56 by USA 1776
07-07-2024 9:01 PM

Re: Be nice
Liar Liar Pants on fire.
Facts do change.
Once there was a fact that the earth was 6000 years old.
We know know that fact was wrong.
Once there was a fact that there had been a worldwide flood while humans lived.
We know know that fact was false.
The list of refuted facts is endless.

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 Message 56 by USA 1776, posted 07-07-2024 9:01 PM USA 1776 has not replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 81 of 181 (919379)
07-08-2024 8:48 AM
Reply to: Message 66 by USA 1776
07-07-2024 10:06 PM

It stopped growing.

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 Message 66 by USA 1776, posted 07-07-2024 10:06 PM USA 1776 has not replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 94 of 181 (919402)
07-09-2024 9:37 AM
Reply to: Message 93 by Theodoric
07-09-2024 8:53 AM

Re: Halon redux
One of the limitations of a total flooding agent is that it only works in an enclosed space, and once the planes hit the towers there was no longer an enclosed space. Windows were blown out all over the buildings, walls and even floors breached.
Sometimes reality sucks.

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 Message 93 by Theodoric, posted 07-09-2024 8:53 AM Theodoric has not replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 102 of 181 (919412)
07-09-2024 8:29 PM
Reply to: Message 101 by Tanypteryx
07-09-2024 6:15 PM

Re: Still unanswered questions about halon and its use
Gone home to report that all the atheists were stumped by simple questions.

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 Message 101 by Tanypteryx, posted 07-09-2024 6:15 PM Tanypteryx has not replied

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 Message 103 by Theodoric, posted 07-09-2024 8:35 PM jar has not replied
 Message 104 by dwise1, posted 07-09-2024 10:35 PM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 107 of 181 (919440)
07-10-2024 8:23 PM
Reply to: Message 106 by USA 1776
07-10-2024 8:13 PM

Be honest.
Utter ignorant word salad.

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 Message 106 by USA 1776, posted 07-10-2024 8:13 PM USA 1776 has not replied

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 Message 108 by Adminnemooseus, posted 07-10-2024 8:38 PM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 114 of 181 (919464)
07-11-2024 2:38 PM
Reply to: Message 106 by USA 1776
07-10-2024 8:13 PM

Re: Be nice
USA 1716 writes:
The longer this perspective lives, the more individual, fragmented things in nature are added to a long roster of concerns. Its fruit is almost constant fear and anger, rather than stability and peace; Always agitating, always demonstrating against "the established order", rather than true joy or affinity for nature and taking effective local steps to preserve it. It eats away at the country and will eat away at your soul, because it is a lie. Atheism and its green gestapo is not worthy of your defense or support, and the day you choose to turn from it and begin to serve the Creator, rather than the created, will be the day that both your life and the life of the country will change permanently for the better.
Let me address just this and from the perspective of a Cradle Creedal Christian raised in a multi generational Christian family, educated in a Christian School, Sunday School teacher at both preteen and adult levels and one of the founders of a new Christian Mission (before parish standing).
It is only a reflection of the perversion that is Christian Cult of Ignorance and much of Fundamental Evangelical Christianity that holds such feelings or has the perverted idea that THEY should determine the behavior and beliefs of others that do not hurt the CCoI member in any way. It is the perversions called Right to Life and the perversion of opposition to gender choices of others or of non-violent sexual preferences of others or marriages of others or the demonic and irrational willful ignorance of the CCoI. The rational part of US and World Wide citizenry recognize and understand that we pissed in the paradise and we made the mess and that we need to acknowledge or sins of commitment and attempt to make amends.
Throw the god and Christianity you've been sold away and try to learn how to think beyond the third grade level.

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 Message 106 by USA 1776, posted 07-10-2024 8:13 PM USA 1776 has replied

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 Message 136 by USA 1776, posted 07-13-2024 2:43 PM jar has replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 117 of 181 (919471)
07-11-2024 7:14 PM
Reply to: Message 116 by USA 1776
07-11-2024 6:58 PM

learn to read.
Do you ever even read what you quote mine?
Tight closed space. Put fire out in 30 seconds.
Think. Try to learn to think.
When the planes hit the twin tower there were NO enclosed spaces. Windows were gone. Walls were gone. Floors were ruptured. And while humans can hold their breath for 30second or maybe even minutes, they cannot breathe halon and live.
Halon has no known harmful effect on humans as long as fires out and fresh air in or humans out before they suffocate.
But it is great for protecting expensive machinery.
It also has absolutely nothing to do with the big bold fact that human activity is driving Global Warming.

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 Message 116 by USA 1776, posted 07-11-2024 6:58 PM USA 1776 has replied

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 Message 119 by USA 1776, posted 07-11-2024 7:42 PM jar has replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 120 of 181 (919474)
07-11-2024 7:48 PM
Reply to: Message 119 by USA 1776
07-11-2024 7:42 PM

Re: learn to read.
how big was the immediate damage to the building when the planes struck?
How big an area would have to be addressed?
It does not mean that it's safe or even effective in open spaces.
Really. Try to think.
And your last paragraph is not even sophompric

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 Message 119 by USA 1776, posted 07-11-2024 7:42 PM USA 1776 has not replied

Member (Idle past 158 days)
Posts: 34140
From: Texas!!
Joined: 04-20-2004

Message 126 of 181 (919483)
07-12-2024 9:10 AM
Reply to: Message 125 by Percy
07-12-2024 8:54 AM

more basics
Can you also try to get USA 1776 to understand simple stuff like why something might work to snuff out fires in a confined space might not work in an open space?

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 Message 125 by Percy, posted 07-12-2024 8:54 AM Percy has not replied

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 Message 127 by Theodoric, posted 07-12-2024 9:37 AM jar has replied

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