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Author | Topic: The Second Trump Presidency | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9
Hi Perry - I am optimistic about the next Trump administration. He is upbeat about what we can do to better our own circumstances, and he is refreshingly transparent, politically speaking. In contrast his opponents are preoccupied with what to prohibit to us for our own good, with what we need to do/stop doing to improve our own personal virtue, and with scolding us for asking so many questions.
Your criticisms of Trump are understandable, founded or unfounded though they may be. I wonder, do you have any such criticism for Biden, Biden's handlers, or Harris? Or are you OK with their performance, no complaints, on the whole? The criticisms of Trump's political adversaries is easily directed at very recent and ongoing misdeeds, whereas criticisms of Trump are generally limited to ominous expectations of what he is going to do, how he is going to behave. An objective observer would conclude that Trump's adversaries don't have any real argument against his policies, indeed, they just don't like him and wish to see him fail. We'll see come 20-Jan-2025!
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
You’ve got me intellectually cornered, xongsmith, don’t know what I could possibly say to counter this.
Bravo and well done!
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
I didn’t know there was a problem with Obamacare (aka ACA).
What is the problem with Obamacare?
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9
Where have you been, PaulK? Crying “RACIST” is soooo 2020, a gasping pejorative in want of a cogent argument.
Ditto the nazi/hitler/fascist/dictator stuff.
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
A thousand pardons, Percy, I can assure you the “Perry” will not happen again!
(……well, it might, but if it does, believe me, it won’t be intentional…)
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9
I expect we’ll be learning a lot more about Jan 6 in the near future. Up until now the evidence and the narrative has been controlled by a secretive, one-sided collection of political figures.
The Insurrection charge is preposterous, as evidenced by the fact that, among the myriad of spurious charges brought against Trump over the last few years, none of the charges are for insurrection. I can think of only two reasons for this: 1. There is simply no case.2. Not only is there no case, formal charges would force discovery of all evidence, evidence that heretofore has not been presented, evidence that might tell a much different story, evidence that might impugn those who were all but certain they had evaded accountability. We’ll stay tuned.
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9
I'm still optimistic given all the expected flak and roadblocks. Trump is much wiser, more prepared, and, yes, more introspective this time around.
He has a knack for staying one step ahead of the opposition, diffusing the vicious barbs they throw at him, and coming out on top no matter how convinced they are that "this time we got 'im". Witness all the lawfare failures. To quote Flounder: "..this is gonna be great!".
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
....and on Earth peace, good will toward men.
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
Hello dwise1, good to hear from you!
It was a simple salutation and observance, meant to remind me and others that we are all here in this imperfect world and, to a great extent, our existence here depends on how we treat one another. The EvC Forum participants would look like very polarized belligerents to the non-EvC outsider civilian. But, really, we probably have alot more in common than it would appear since we are all spending precious time communicating ideas of shared interests passionately.
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9
The Trump Administration is shaping up to be the most transparent of any administration in history, and all indications are they will keep their pledge to do so. His nominees/posse are promising to post their daily goings-on to various social media, and most of them can’t get enough of talking to the old media, the new media, the public at large, and so on. They’re all eager to tell you what they’ve done, what they’re doing, and what they plan to do. Contrast this with the stonewalling, gaslighting, secrecy, and out-and-out lying of the current Administration, and the Administration's general dismissiveness of the electorate’s interest in the government’s policies and actions. These are just a few examples: 1. Dronomania – The administration has offered so many conflicting statements that it’s obvious to everyone that they’re hiding something, something the public would very much like to know about. A taste of the Admin’s response to the public’s concerns:• You’re not really seeing drones; you’re actually mistaking legitimate aircraft for UFO’s. • We don’t really know what they are, but we can assure you they’re harmless, and don’t shoot them because we don’t know what they’re payload is……if they really are drones. • From Homeland Security: We don’t have the authority to shoot them down. 2. Afghanistan debacle: Great idea to get out of that quagmire, but executed in the in the most disastrous, humiliating, and destructive way possible. The administration hails it as a great military operation, no further explanation needed or given. 3. Telling Ukraine to shoot advanced missiles into Russia a couple weeks after Harris lost the election, a significant and potentially catastrophic escalation of the war largely seen as formal US entry into the war, at least by Russia. Maybe there was good reason for this, but they haven’t explained it, and it sure looks like Biden is simply trying to jam things up for Trump and the Trump promise to bring peace to the region. 4. Selling the Border wall materials as scrap for pennies on the dollar – Maybe there is a clear explanation for this, but it sure looks like Biden is simply trying to jam things up for Trump and the Trump promise to continue construction of the wall. And they aren’t Trump’s materials, they’re the taxpayers’ materials, and the taxpayers will have to pay for these materials again at premium prices. 5. Chinese weather spy balloon: The balloon floats across the US for days, weeks with no response to China from the Administration, the ballon traverses military installations and who knows what else, and we’re told not to worry about it, it’s not really getting any good info if it is a spy balloon, and it’s not dangerous but we don’t want to shoot it down because we don’t know what will happen. And when we finally shoot it down we blow it to smithereens so there is no useful reconnaissance of the ballon’s functions and hardware. And, of course, no explanations, just nothing to see here, run along now. 6. President Biden’s mental fitness: Everybody has known about the decline since before the 2020 election, but with the recent reports we now know that the Administration, The DoD, and Congressional Leaders, among others, knew officially of the decline but did everything they could to hide this from the public. Until the June-2024 debate fiasco, that is. 7. So they very un-democratically pushed Biden out and jammed Harris in without any primary voting activity (because there was no time to do things democratically, you see). Again, no explanation of anything and no discussion, despite objections from their own party. 8. So who’s been running the country since June when it was decided he was not fit for the election? Who’s been running it since the election? Matter of fact, who’s running it now? Who decided it’s a good idea to have Ukraine fire our advanced missiles into Russia? Who decided it’s a good idea to give clemency/pardons to thousands of seeming random recipients? Who's running the show?
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
The point is that the coming Trump presidency will be ultra-transparent. Contrasting this with the current administration should give everyone relief in that regard, even if they disagree with some of Trump's actions.
As far as Message 134, Trump and Homan are choosing to enforce the law rigorously. This is in response to years of rigorous abuse and neglect of the law. The situation has become very ugly because it was allowed to grow out of control due to Biden's policies. Correcting this will be ugly and difficult. Trump and Homan have solid public support on this front; people want to see the laws enforced. If you don't like the laws then change them.
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
An outsider reviewing a typical EvC forum would immediately notice two distinct groups, generally in direct opposition to one another on just about all subjects. He would not see thoughtful debate between opposing views, he would see insult, profanity, derision, impugning of character/motives, and general animosity between opposing sides, i.e., polarized belligerents.
The common thread between EvC participants is that they look beneath the surface of the day's issues. They may not agree everything or even anything, but they have the desire and capacity to understand things on a deeper level. Most in society see the day's issues as fleeting distractions, momentary interruptions to their telephone, coffee shop, big screen TV, and corner gym activities. My MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! salutation was sincere. I harbor no disdain for any of the EvC participants, regardless of the pejoratives they throw my way. I do wish they would respond in a manner that encourages constructive debate. I'll note that the three responses to my "MERRY CHRISTMAS" entry were all negative, two of them viciously so. ****sigh**** Even the World War 1 trench belligerents were known to take time out to share a little humanity on certain holidays and Sundays, if you believe the historical accounts.
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
Percy writes in Message 158:
The source of a question shouldn't change the answer, but in my experience with these EvC-type discussions it does. It was a sincere question looking for a straightforward answer. Which I never did get, incidentally, also consistent with my experience in these things.
...until it was discovered that you'd been hiding your background and motivations...quote:I have no interest in discussing past disputed events in which someone is simply trumpeting hearsay and which I know nothing about; this only leads to endless, pointless quarrel. quote:I don't look to political leaders for moral-spiritual guidance. In a one or the other election I simply select the person who holds the least animus toward my faith, and who will be the most just in upholding the worldly law.
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
A new political paradigm has come front and center this past election year, political in the sense of how our society interacts with one another, as opposed the tiresome political right-left democrat-republican shoutfests. The People are moving toward meaningful discussion, substantive questions & answers, and healthy skepticism of secretive authorities.
The Reids/Behars/Hannitys/Maddows/Scarboroughs/et.al. have become boring and unenlightening. You know exactly the position they will take on any issue, they simply megaphone their side’s talking points, they offer nothing new. Their formula is aggravated inflammatory diatribe in telling the audience what to think and demonizing those who disagree. They are losing influence and their ratings show it. New information outlets – the likes of Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Theo Von, and even Bill Maher, Tucker Carlson (yes, T.C.), Chris Como and others – have shot to the forefront. Their format is characterized by extended question-answer discussions with timely guests. They don’t spend a lot of time offering their own opinions, they are interested in getting to the bottom of things. This is what journalists used to do, once upon a time. The new Trump Administration promises to accelerate this new paradigm, not just in the podcast etc. formats, but from the Administration itself. Indeed, Trump himself has much to do with this. His habit of saying “outrageous” things (Can/Mex borders, Guatemala, Greenland, !!tariffs,….) sparks many questions and lots of discussion that he’s more than willing to engage in, and as the discussion evolves it more often than not becomes evident that Trump has a point, that maybe he’s not the most monstrous man in history after all.
K.Rose Member Posts: 234 From: Michigan Joined: Member Rating: 3.9 |
Rahvin writes in Message 161:
Please define fascist and give examples his fascist actions. Ditto the Mussolini description. Ditto the idiot accusation. He's America's Mussolini. He's a fascist and an idiot… This is the kind of talk that makes otherwise uninterested people wince and may even stir their sympathy toward him. They might not agree with him, and their dislike is probably based on what he says and how he says it, but we had four years of him and they know he’s not Hitler, or a fascist, or Mussolini. This is a clear example of what people are weary of.
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