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Author Topic:   The Second Trump Presidency
Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 113 of 441 (921063)
12-23-2024 9:45 AM
Reply to: Message 106 by K.Rose
12-21-2024 8:05 PM

Re: Trump Has An Idea
kr writes:
I am optimistic about the next Trump administration.
Yes, and we know why, . . . your favorite 'feature' of the former president is he is a rapist, serial sex abuser, and repeated adulterer.
Since the 1970s, at least 26 women have publicly accused Donald Trump, of rape, kissing, and groping without consent; looking under women's skirts; and walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants.[1][2][3]
Trump has a history of insulting and belittling women when speaking to the media and on social media.[4][5] He has made lewd comments, disparaged women's physical appearance, and referred to them using derogatory epithets.[5][6][7]
In October 2016, two days before the second presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, a 2005 "hot mic" recording surfaced in which Trump was heard saying that "when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy."[8]
Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

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 Message 106 by K.Rose, posted 12-21-2024 8:05 PM K.Rose has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 125 of 441 (921079)
12-24-2024 8:19 AM
Reply to: Message 119 by K.Rose
12-23-2024 9:43 PM

Re: Trump Has An Idea
kr writes:
I'm still optimistic . . .
Yes you are, . . . and also a rapist-supporter.
No matter how many interesting or noble things you do in life, they will all be totally eclipsed by you supporting a rapist.
Don't worry though, you can still aim higher in life, . . . if Jeffrey Epstein's records are ever fully released, you can then be known as a child-rapist-supporter.
That would be a feather in your cap, eh?

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 Message 119 by K.Rose, posted 12-23-2024 9:43 PM K.Rose has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 131 of 441 (921086)
12-24-2024 4:18 PM
Reply to: Message 129 by K.Rose
12-24-2024 11:52 AM

...and on Earth peace, good will toward men.
Sayeth the rape-supporter.

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 Message 129 by K.Rose, posted 12-24-2024 11:52 AM K.Rose has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 132 by dwise1, posted 12-24-2024 8:45 PM dronestar has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 145 of 441 (921103)
12-27-2024 9:35 AM
Reply to: Message 137 by K.Rose
12-26-2024 7:56 PM

kr writes:
. . . our existence here depends on how we treat one another.
K.Rose, the pro-rapist, is pontificating about decent treatment.
Sociopath . . .
Antisocial personality disorder - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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 Message 137 by K.Rose, posted 12-26-2024 7:56 PM K.Rose has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 164 of 441 (921139)
01-01-2025 5:12 PM
Reply to: Message 159 by K.Rose
01-01-2025 12:55 PM

pro-rapist writes:
I have no interest in discussing past disputed events in which someone is simply trumpeting hearsay and which I know nothing about; this only leads to endless, pointless quarrel.
I agree, there’s no utility in debating the FACT that the former president’s own selected attorneys approved the jurors who heard and reviewed the evidence, then UNANIMOUSLY adjudicated the former president of rape.
However, there might be interest in your indefatigable pro-rapist stance, . . . is it vicarious or experiential? Like Joe Rogan, Theo Von, and Tucker Carlson, . . . I’m JUST asking questions.

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 Message 159 by K.Rose, posted 01-01-2025 12:55 PM K.Rose has not replied

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 Message 165 by Percy, posted 01-01-2025 7:50 PM dronestar has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 173 of 441 (921153)
01-02-2025 10:36 AM
Reply to: Message 170 by K.Rose
01-01-2025 8:16 PM

pro-rapist writes:
dronestar said “rapist” eight times or so, called me a rape-supporter multiple times, and called me a sociopath. This doesn’t strike me as someone who’s ready for thoughtful debate.
FACT, the former president was adjudicated for rape (using the judge’s words) by a jury of twelve people selected by the former president’s lawyerS. FACT, a jury awarded Carrol $5 million, and then upped it to $83.3 million dollars.
FACT, the former president is a rapist. FACT, you support the former president. FACT, the inevitable result, you are a rapist-supporter.
Now, is it over-the-top calling you a sociopath? I don’t think so. I am confident I can find supporting evidence linking rape-supporter to “antisocial personality disorder.” Let me know when you are ready for thoughtful debate on THIS topic.

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 Message 170 by K.Rose, posted 01-01-2025 8:16 PM K.Rose has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 176 by Percy, posted 01-02-2025 11:23 AM dronestar has replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 174 of 441 (921154)
01-02-2025 10:43 AM
Reply to: Message 168 by dwise1
01-01-2025 8:13 PM

If the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, your son will be an excellent lawyer.

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 Message 168 by dwise1, posted 01-01-2025 8:13 PM dwise1 has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 175 of 441 (921155)
01-02-2025 11:10 AM
Reply to: Message 170 by K.Rose
01-01-2025 8:16 PM

PR writes:
And maybe you overlooked all of this, but this is the hearsay he cites:
Drone writes:
Since the 1970s, at least 26 women have publicly accused Donald Trump, of rape, kissing, and groping without consent; looking under women's skirts; and walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants.[1][2][3]
Trump has a history of insulting and belittling women when speaking to the media and on social media.[4][5] He has made lewd comments, disparaged women's physical appearance, and referred to them using derogatory epithets.[5][6][7]
For some bewildering and unexplained reason, you edited out the third “hearsay” piece of evidence I presented:
Drone writes:
In October 2016, two days before the second presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, a 2005 "hot mic" recording surfaced in which Trump was heard saying that "when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy."[8]
I am sure it was JUST an oversight.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 170 by K.Rose, posted 01-01-2025 8:16 PM K.Rose has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 178 of 441 (921159)
01-02-2025 11:45 AM
Reply to: Message 176 by Percy
01-02-2025 11:23 AM

ABC settled the lawsuit because they are afraid of future retaliations from the new administration.
Fear causes organizations and individuals to self-censure. Unfortunately, it helps tyranny.

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 Message 176 by Percy, posted 01-02-2025 11:23 AM Percy has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 179 by Percy, posted 01-02-2025 12:18 PM dronestar has replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 185 of 441 (921177)
01-02-2025 9:59 PM
Reply to: Message 179 by Percy
01-02-2025 12:18 PM

Percy writes:
Legally, a jury found that Trump did not commit rape.
No, why are you making things up? The jury never said the former prez did not commit rape. They said the evidence was insufficient to PROVE that the former prez committed rape. But look at the HUGE amount of sex abuse, and serial adultery behavior committed by the former president ALL HIS LIFE. What is more likely: he did rape, or he didn’t? C’mon Percy, let’s not be a useful idiot.
Percy writes:
It's likely much more complex than that, as a reading of . . . makes clear.
No, you are making things up again.
The article may conclude this, but as even you wrote, it is more complex than that. There are many others theories, and since they are sealed we are left to guess, . . . there can be no final assessment. The article does not “make clear”.
My theory, . . . The lawsuit was settled AFTER the former prez won the election, not before. The timing didn’t change the lawsuit facts, but the timing did change the potential ruinous attacks from the future white house. Another theory . . . ABC probably would have won the libel case, it is very difficult to prove, and ABC caved.
Judge Kaplan wrote, as commonly used, the term rape is correct. Stephanopoulos used the term rape, as commonly used. I and others use the term rape as commonly used . . .
Because Hitler was never sentenced to war crimes, do we now say . . . well without the official conviction from the law, we MUST conclude Hitler is innocent of all war crimes. Heck, let's dream up that he was just in lower management at the phone company.
That would be preposterous. Let us not be useful-idiots to support fascism.

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 Message 179 by Percy, posted 01-02-2025 12:18 PM Percy has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 188 by Percy, posted 01-03-2025 10:09 AM dronestar has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 186 of 441 (921178)
01-02-2025 10:03 PM
Reply to: Message 181 by K.Rose
01-02-2025 2:42 PM

pro-rapist writes:
Dronestar quoted someone who said something about yet someone else who said something about Trump
Shameless word-salad.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 181 by K.Rose, posted 01-02-2025 2:42 PM K.Rose has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 400 of 441 (921759)
01-27-2025 9:54 AM
Reply to: Message 235 by K.Rose
01-07-2025 7:19 PM

krose writes:
Trump's Team wants to dig into these problems, ask many questions, and expose everything that is going on, mega-transparency.
Donald Trump has said he would have “no problem” releasing more files related to convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein if he returns to the White House.
Trump promises to release Epstein ‘client list’ if he wins the election
US President Donald Trump on Thursday ordered the declassification of documents related to the assassinations of John F Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. However, Trump did not cover the controversial Jeffrey Epstein and 9/11 files in his order.
JFK And MLK Declassified - Are Epstein, 9/11 Files Next Under Trump's Radar? | Times Now
Gee, I wonder if your cult-worshipee has something to hide.
So I guess the president-rapist (according to the judge who presided over the trial) not releasing the unsealed court records of all of the names (probably including his own) revealed in Epstein’s files, must be devastating to you.
Or more likely not . . .
Psychopathy - Wikipedia

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 Message 235 by K.Rose, posted 01-07-2025 7:19 PM K.Rose has not replied

Posts: 1482
From: usa
Joined: 11-19-2008
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 422 of 441 (921938)
02-05-2025 3:23 PM
Reply to: Message 420 by Phat
02-05-2025 12:40 PM

Re: Who's ready for a new forever war!?
Phat writes:
My jury is still out on whether or not he is an antichrist

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 Message 420 by Phat, posted 02-05-2025 12:40 PM Phat has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 424 by Percy, posted 02-06-2025 8:50 AM dronestar has not replied

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