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Author Topic:   The Second Trump Presidency
Posts: 10385
Joined: 03-06-2009
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Message 304 of 506 (921516)
01-14-2025 11:25 AM
Reply to: Message 297 by K.Rose
01-13-2025 8:10 PM

Re: How Hitler Trashed the German Constitution in Less Than Two Months
K. Rose writes:
you are only saying that Trump is intending to dismantle democracy using Hitler's methods,
Trump certainly thinks he can tear out parts of the US Constitution with an executive order. He claims he can get rid of birthright citizenship with a wave of his pen even though birthright citizenship is a right guaranteed in the 14th Amendment.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."--Fourteenth Amendment, section 1
Forgive me, but this is just slander.
Not all Trump supporters believe in racial purity, but the vast majority of people who do believe in racial purity voted for Trump.

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 Message 297 by K.Rose, posted 01-13-2025 8:10 PM K.Rose has not replied

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Member Rating: 5.8

Message 305 of 506 (921517)
01-14-2025 11:29 AM
Reply to: Message 298 by K.Rose
01-13-2025 8:29 PM

Re: Giving Trump Air
K.Rose writes:
Trump is a true leader, and part of his style is to needle his opponents and his potential partners to see how they respond, see how they measure up. It's old-school stuff, probably considered toxic masculinity these days, but it works.
IOW, Trump is just a lot of bluster and nothing he says can be taken seriously by any foreign leader. They already know this. They also know that he is easily persuaded by flattery. All Putin has to do is say something nice about Trump to get his way.

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 Message 298 by K.Rose, posted 01-13-2025 8:29 PM K.Rose has not replied

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Member Rating: 5.8

Message 364 of 506 (921668)
01-21-2025 6:43 PM
Reply to: Message 361 by K.Rose
01-21-2025 12:48 PM

K.Rose writes:
And so the great sieg-heil-hoax begins!
Perhaps he's just joining the club?
Are there only 9 Commandments in your Bible? Do you ignore the one talking about "bearing false witness"?
We have yet another example of Christians pushing lies.
Do you even care if anything you say is true?

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 Message 361 by K.Rose, posted 01-21-2025 12:48 PM K.Rose has not replied

Posts: 10385
Joined: 03-06-2009
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 368 of 506 (921684)
01-22-2025 5:48 PM
Reply to: Message 366 by Rahvin
01-22-2025 11:33 AM

Re: Trump's Inauguration Day
Rahvin writes:
The real reasons are typically to either justify their office real estate or, more frequently, a stealth-layoff.
Or the boss just doesn't like the idea of people working from home. I suspect this is one of the major reasons in this case.
In addition, they aren't being stealthy about the layoffs. The executive order that put a 90 day freeze on hiring also requires the OMB to submit a plan to cut the federal budget within those 90 days. IOW, they are asking the OMB for a list of people to fire.
If anyone is still wondering whose side Trump is on, wonder no more. Their top priority is cutting taxes for the rich, thereby keeping revenues low. How to compensate? Take jobs away from regular Americans.
Added in edit:
Thought I would run through the numbers. 8% of the $6.7 trillion federal budget is spent on federal worker compensation. If we reduce the federal workforce by 20% (1 in 5), that's less than a 2% reduction in federal spending.

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 Message 366 by Rahvin, posted 01-22-2025 11:33 AM Rahvin has not replied

Posts: 10385
Joined: 03-06-2009
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 373 of 506 (921692)
01-23-2025 11:07 AM
Reply to: Message 371 by DrJones*
01-23-2025 12:31 AM

Re: Trump Declares all Americans to be Female
DrJones* writes:
because of bad wording/scientific ignorance Trump has signed 2 EOs that effectively declare anyone born in the US to be female.
Now we wait for the first example of malicious compliance, the ultimate federal worker snark.

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 Message 371 by DrJones*, posted 01-23-2025 12:31 AM DrJones* has not replied

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 Message 374 by Rahvin, posted 01-23-2025 12:38 PM Taq has not replied

Posts: 10385
Joined: 03-06-2009
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 378 of 506 (921714)
01-23-2025 6:25 PM
Reply to: Message 375 by Rahvin
01-23-2025 12:47 PM

Re: Lemme just try posting this...
Rahvin writes:
AOC's response echoes my own thoughts:
For me, quibbling about Musk's intent is secondary. What disturbs me the most is some people saw it as a pseudo-Nazi salute, and they applauded.
At the same time, I wouldn't be at all stunned to see a video of Musk goose-stepping around the West Wing shouting "Blood and Soil!".

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 Message 375 by Rahvin, posted 01-23-2025 12:47 PM Rahvin has not replied

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Joined: 03-06-2009
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 407 of 506 (921815)
01-28-2025 6:44 PM
Reply to: Message 272 by K.Rose
01-12-2025 7:08 AM

Re: Giving Trump Air
K.Rose writes:
Fortunately, this Administration promises unprecedented, almost incessant transparency.
Only people in a cult can say this without collapsing with laughter. Let's tally up just a few items from the Trump administrations transparency regime:
1. Sued to stop the release of Jack Smith's report.
2. Fired 12 Inspector Generals, the people in charge of transparency in government and removing corruption.
3. Issued an executive order banning federal employee travel and communication with the public. This stops scientists from federal agencies from reporting their findings to the public, and it also stops federal employees from publicly describing the effects of Trump's executive orders.
4. The CDC has been banned from communicating with WHO and with hospitals with respect to bird flu.
I'm sure I could find more. Transparency? . . . can't stop laughing.

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 Message 272 by K.Rose, posted 01-12-2025 7:08 AM K.Rose has not replied

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 Message 408 by Percy, posted 02-01-2025 9:55 AM Taq has not replied

Posts: 10385
Joined: 03-06-2009
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 410 of 506 (921880)
02-03-2025 11:27 AM
Reply to: Message 409 by Percy
02-02-2025 8:19 PM

Re: The Trump Tariffs
Percy writes:
He said Americans might have to endure some temporary pain, but that the tariffs were necessary because Mexico and Canada are letting drugs and illegal immigrants flood into our country, while China is running too large a trade deficit.
Tariffs are a regressive tax, meaning they disproportionately affect those with lower income. In addition, Congress looks like it will renew Trump's massive tax cut for the richest Americans.
It's pretty obvious who Trump stands behind, and it isn't low and middle income families.

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 Message 409 by Percy, posted 02-02-2025 8:19 PM Percy has not replied

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Joined: 03-06-2009
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 421 of 506 (921936)
02-05-2025 1:13 PM
Reply to: Message 420 by Phat
02-05-2025 12:40 PM

Re: Who's ready for a new forever war!?
Phat writes:
He wants to divert attention off of Israel and Netanyahu so that the focus is now on letting Palestinians stay rather than demanding that Israel pay. There is no way that either Israel or the U.S. will pay to rebuild Gaza. Only a Real Estate developer with an eye on profit and loss rather than politics would see it that way.
There are numerous filthy rich Sunni Arab countries that could easily afford to help rebuild Gaza. I don't think it is a matter of money. Unfortunately, the Sunni Arab world doesn't seem to care about the plight of the Palestinians except where there suffering can benefit them politically.
Added in edit: It might help to finish my thoughts on this one angle. The biggest backers of the Sunni Arab Hamas organization are Shia Persians (i.e. Iran). Sunnis and Shia hate each other more than Catholics and Protestants ever did. Iran doesn't care at all for Hamas other than what damage they can do to Israel. A peaceful and prosperous Gaza does not serve Iran, so they will try to stop it from happening. The Palestinians have become a pawn for foreign powers that want to damage Israel. The one light at the end of the tunnel is some Sunni Arab countries starting to make moves towards normalized relations with Israel. Iran saw this as a threat which is why they funded the Hamas attack in October 2023 that sparked the current shitshow.

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 Message 420 by Phat, posted 02-05-2025 12:40 PM Phat has seen this message but not replied

Posts: 10385
Joined: 03-06-2009
Member Rating: 5.8

Message 428 of 506 (921955)
02-06-2025 10:33 AM
Reply to: Message 426 by Percy
02-06-2025 9:51 AM

Re: Then How Do You Explain Fox News
Percy writes:
Then how do you explain Fox News?
They fall under the parody exemption.

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 Message 426 by Percy, posted 02-06-2025 9:51 AM Percy has seen this message but not replied

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