The strentgh of the fundamental forces in the universe(force of gravity, speed of light, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, proton mass, etc.) is so finely tuned(to support life?), that the only good explanation for the existence of these finely tuned conditions besides god, would be a multiverse and multiple big bangs giving rise to multiple universes.
I'm sorry, that's completely untrue.
There is no "fine tuning" for life. Such a premise requires that life be a "goal," and there is no evidence whatsoever of that being the case.
If the fundamental forces were "tuned" differently, the Unvierse as we know it would exist in a compeltely different form. Such a Universe may support some form of life, simply not one recognizeable to us.
It's also possible that the fundamental forces are constant in all universes, or that no other universes exist at all.
You seem to derive your argument from the idea that there is a "1:x chance" of the fundamental forces being "tuned" to life as we know it, and that this infinitely small chance requires either divine guidance or multiple iterations to generate the observed result.
Ask yourself this, then: in the lottery, a random number is drawn, and someone wins. Is it necessarily true that multiple drawings (universes) will be required before someone has a winning number (life-compatible fundamental forces)? Of course not - there are many instances of individuals winning on a single drawing, without the prize needing to be carried over to the next drawing. There is also no "intelligence" guiding this process, and no "goal."
Similarly, it is not necessarily true that multiple universes exist in order for
our Universe to have fundamental forces compatible with life as we know it. It's
possible in the speculative sense that other universes may exist, but there is insufficient data to make any real statements. Neither is a "divine creator" necessary - our Universe exists, and there is no evidence of any such "creator" having been involved. We have exactly one example of a Universe to study, and all we know is that
this Universe has conditions compatible with our form of life. This may be the case in all Universes, may be uncommon or unique, or ours could be the only Unvierse that exists - we simply do not know, and so your statement is essentially a bare assertion drawn from your own speculation, not data.
You need to realize that the form of life
we see is not necessarily the only possible form of life that can possibly exist, that life in some other form may be able to exist in a universe with different laws of physics from ours, and that life is not a "goal" of the Universe at all anyway - if conditions are favorable, life may arise. If they are not favorable, life will likely not arise. It just so happens that our Universe has properties that are at least somewhat favorable to our form of life. If our Universe had different properties, perhaps we would exist in a completely different form, or not at all - the Universe, being a non-intelligent entity, could quite literally not care less.