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Author Topic:   questions about the origin of singularity = nothing
Primordial Egg
Inactive Member

Message 21 of 38 (235203)
08-21-2005 6:10 AM
Reply to: Message 16 by cavediver
06-21-2005 11:13 AM

Exactly. I think this model should be understood before trying to looking at more esoteric theories. Once you've got the essence of no-boundary, it all becomes much more clear. If you can grasp that, you can grasp anything that string theory throws your way! There are very few pictures I have ever seen that are more satisfying than no-boundary in a closed FRW universe.
Does the no-boundary proposal require a closed universe as a starting assumption? I was under the impression that all the observational evidence pointed towards an open universe?

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 Message 16 by cavediver, posted 06-21-2005 11:13 AM cavediver has replied

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 Message 22 by cavediver, posted 08-21-2005 8:38 AM Primordial Egg has replied

Primordial Egg
Inactive Member

Message 23 of 38 (235214)
08-21-2005 9:03 AM
Reply to: Message 22 by cavediver
08-21-2005 8:38 AM

Confused. How can W < 1 in a Universe where the expansion is accelerating? Can W change with time (could we be undergoing another inflationary period)?

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 Message 22 by cavediver, posted 08-21-2005 8:38 AM cavediver has replied

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 Message 24 by cavediver, posted 08-21-2005 9:20 AM Primordial Egg has replied

Primordial Egg
Inactive Member

Message 25 of 38 (235231)
08-21-2005 11:09 AM
Reply to: Message 24 by cavediver
08-21-2005 9:20 AM

Thanks cavediver, I appreciate you taking the time out to answer these.
That doesn't mean I understood you by the way, I always understood closed and Big Crunch to be pretty much synonymous. I guess you're telling me they aren't. What does a closed Universe mean in this context?
Incidentally, doing a bit of digging on the web and I found this interview with Neil Turok (do you know him?):
Part I
Part II
Part II discusses how Hawking and Turok came up with a no-boundary proposal for open universes. It posits something called an instanton, which contains a much "nicer" singularity than the traditional Big Bang singularity. According to the Cambridge Quantum Gravity site this should be testable in the next few years when MAX and the Planck Surveyor are launched. I'd never heard of any of this and I thought I was reasonably up to date.

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 Message 24 by cavediver, posted 08-21-2005 9:20 AM cavediver has replied

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 Message 26 by cavediver, posted 08-21-2005 11:38 AM Primordial Egg has not replied

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