Okay, for me to fairly evaluate the big bang theory I'd like you to tell me what it's problems still are. Don't say there aren't any 'cause you know there are
Now, I'm not talking about it's overall plausability but some individual problems.
Such as:
- Some quasars calculated to be behind galaxies by their red shifts when in fact you can see the quasars are in front of them.
- All asteroids should have already been destroyed if the universe was billions of years old ( I don't know if this is some creationist invention though )
- Problems with quasars
As big bang theorists attempt to solve the age problem by making the time to the big bang longer, they exacerbate the quasar problem. Quasars become even farther away and intrinsically brighter. Yet their temperature remains that of ordinary stars as exhibited by emission spectra of metallic ions that can only exist at a limited range of temperature. They are known to be about stellar size since they vary in brightness on a scale of a few minutes to seconds. How do they stay so bright at such a low temperature in such a small volume? They can't. They must have an intrinsic non-Doppler redshift and be nearby to be explained.
Why the Big Bang is Wrong
- Superclusters dated older than the universe (I will quote from a site)
I'd like know if those quotes have any real insight or if they're just ment to fool the gullible(like me), but most of all I'd like to know what you think still are the unsolved problems with the Big Bang theory.
Just in case anyone wants to know, I do believe the BB theory to be correct but wish to discuss it's problems and how&if they will be solved.
What I don't want to discuss here is singularity, dark matter and dark energy because of all of them being such a large subject, save them for their own topic.
NO morality discussions are allowed in this thread!