I'll go on with a few more.
Why did God create on Earth only the isotopes of elements that either have half lives longer than a few hundred million years (i.e., so that all such isotopes created over 5 billion years ago would not be gone) years or are part of a nuclear decay series - while creating the other "missing" elements elsewhere in the galaxy (as visible by spectroscopy)?
Why did God create bodies in space such as over
26 different distance measurement methods all indicate pretty much the same distances, and many of them are millions or even billions of light years away (meaning that any light that we're seing from them - including *events* such as star births and deaths) either occurred millions or billions of years ago, or God is playing a prank on us to make us think that they did.
Why did God place tree ring chronologies that appear to go back almost 10,000 years? Why did God place ice cores whose carbon 12/carbon 14 ratios match up with the tree ring chronologies, and go back hundreds of thousands of years? Why did God place varves and coral clocks that likewise go back for many thousands of years and match up?
Why did God give us a sun whose radiative energy and neutrino flux are consitant with a ball of fusion born about 5 billion years ago?
Hmm... I'll stop here for now, I don't want to Gish the thread.

In short, the question is: What kind of prankster do you worship? Why does he want to deceive us so with his creation?
"Illuminant light,
illuminate me."
[This message has been edited by Rei, 11-20-2003]