There are still MANY mysteries out there that neither YEC's nor evos can explain.
The age of the earth and the life on it is not one of those mysteries, however.
Due to the nature of time being a dimension of the physical universe, which underwent many changes, I have come to the conclusion that the seven days in Genesis are not literal 24-hour days; however, I don't agree with those who dogmatically claim that the universe is 14 billion "earth"-years old and the earth is 4.6 billion years old either. I am NOT opposed to such an age for any reason. But the current cosmology is continually running into problems. The nature of space as is being discovered in quantum physics may eventually change things up a lot when a unifying theory is finally found.
I think the idea that light, time, decay rates, etc... have always been constant is not a correct assumption in a universe where space-time has presumably expanded from nothing. I don't think the implications of expanding or shrinking space-time or changing zero point energy have been fully understood. I also do not necessarily agree with the theory of gravitational accretion of how the earth, moon, and other planets were formed as their elemental composition varies so greatly. There are still many mysteries in this area, and so I think there is a lot more wiggle room than many people assume.
You need not respond to this as I don't want to get this discussion off the topic of the Supernova.