It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to see so many of these things are inspired by the enemy of mankind.
Surely they're theoretical physicists, not rocket scientists
...if you are proud of womd, fine, bask in your work for a while.
I was only trying to list things that at the time they were predicted would have seemed pretty implausible to the man in the street. The atomic bomb seemed a good candidate and after that the H-bomb seemed obvious. Maybe I should have gone back a bit further in history and included Newton's work with light and prisms or something like that.
The point was that just because an idea seems implausible to us ordinary folk doesn't mean that it isn't right.
I'm sure one of the admins is about to point out all this has nothing to do with the Supernova, so as a closing comment I'll point out the atomic bomb was just a practical application of the theoretical advances made by the generation of great physicists in the late 19th. and early 20th. Century. Unless the Devil created the sub-atomic world to make fission and fusion possible I don't think he had a lot to do with it.
Confused ? You will be...