creation writes:
If one is familiar with the bible and the millennium and end part of the tribulation period, and the pre/early post-flood eras, they will see that our current nature cannot be in place at those times.
You have precisely zero hope of making a bible case against me.
As for science, you had every chance to try and support the belief in the same nature in the past. Yet we see nothing.
Why even talk?
Good point. I'll give you a 4 hour suspension to keep quiet.
Going forward...I want you to at least try and show some respect for your ideological opponents. You claim that nobody can make a Bible Case against you, yet you have not as yet even made a Bible Case (using scripture) to support your theories. I might add that I am a believer, but I do not take the Bible as word for word makes no sense to believe that way and be in any way intelligent.
Edited by AdminPhat, : No reason given.
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