....EXCEPT when it comes to GOD. Why is that?
Your argument stands only if God were bound to the laws of physics. You assume that God is stuck inside the same box we are, and therefore miracles are impossible if they break the laws of the box (physics). But you are like a small chip on a PC motherboard, trying to explain the entire computer somehow. The "chip" can't explain the computer (or any peripherals it might be attached to, or networked to) from INSIDE the computer. Or like a PC gamer who is trying to figure out how to beat the "boss" of one of his PC games, but keeps getting clobbered just when he thinks he has the upper hand. In the meantime, the programmer has what is known as a password that puts the game into "GOD mode" that allows any gamer to do you know what! Funny how some programmer coined the term "GOD mode" for debugging purposes.
But dude, God is NOT bound and gagged inside the same box we find ourselves in. He is not in "God mode", rather he is GOD. You simply cannot explain the universe from inside the universe, just like the little motherboard chip can't explain the PC from inside the PC.
Specifically to your point of "it took 170,000 years for the light to get here" is like the "chip" trying to explain the origin of printer paper by observing how quickly a laser can spit out printed pages. It's totally ludicrous. When God "stopped the movement of the sun" for a day, he wasn't in "God mode", rather he was GOD. He wasn't bound by the laws of physics. He didn't take advantage of some sort of natural phenomenon, rather he was GOD. Any PC game programmer can explain this; he/she writes a program that forces the "gamers" to operate within a given set of rules. But the programmer still has the power to do whatever he wants in the game by punching in his password or cheat code, while the gamers pull their hair out for days or weeks trying to beat the bosses.
When God made Adam, he didn't start with a fetus. He made Adam, AS IS. And he didn't present Adam with a bag of seeds and order him to plant them QUICK so he could grow something to eat. No, God made the plants AS IS, ready to go, complete with low hanging fruit for Adam. If God can make a single cell, he can certainly make a full grown sequioa tree (or banana tree or whatever), AS IS. But even though that sequoia may be only two minutes old, our scientific analysis will still show that the tree is 1000+ or so years old, right?
And if he can make photons, he can certainly create a whole bunch of them and stretch them out across the heavens. And the heavens declare the glory of God.
Is this so hard to understand? Or just hard to swallow?