Messenjah anmd Nosyned, I am coming into this discussion a bit late, but I hape posted about Humphries a few times before.
There is the old quote 'a day in the eyes of the Lord...' which many have used to justify a belief in a billion-year old universe which God created in six of 'His' days.
But Humphries took this a step further. He proposed that time flowed much more slowly on Earth than in the rest of the universe, so that only six days passed on Earth.
His theory to explain it is to suspend Earth at the edge of a black hole, where gravitational time dilatation would provide the required slowing down on Earth time. He proposed that the black hole was the original expanding universe, which eventually expanded so much that the event horizon contracted and then disappeared, just when six 'Earth' days had passed..
But his physics is bullshit. If the universe was expanding inside a black hole (impossible - things only go one way in a black hole), then the conditions to create an event horizon would disappear after about 9 million years (I did a ballpark calculation based on a uniform density and the best estimates for the current density of the universe).
Space and time dimensions get swapped around at an event horizon. At the horizon, the future extends along the horizon. Inside the horizon, future time points towards the centre of the black hole. The future is a one way journey. If the universe ever was inside a black hole, then all of it, including the Earth, would now be sitting at the centre of it!