Hi time
time writes:
Man experiences time in a certain way,
Could you explain how we experience time?
I can't see time. Ican't feel time. I can't smell time. Ican't hear time.
I do experience existence as I exist. I know there is duration as continual events take place in my existence.
time writes:
and it takes so much time for things to happen here.
Actually there is duration between events in existence that mankind
measures by something we have designated as time.
time writes:
In ancient days, and even today to some extent, the cycles of the sun and moon determine the units or days and months. The length of a day eventually became accepted as so many hours.
time writes:
So, yes, man did fine tune and name the time units but did not invent time.
But mankind did invent how to measure the duration in existence between events they observed.
time writes:
Man works with created nature even today, with such things used for time measurement as radioactive decay.
How do you measure time?
What is time that you can measure it?
How do you measure radioactive decay?
The only things we can measure are length, width, height/depth and duration between events in existence.
That means you are measuring the radioactive decay of an object subjected to duration in existence.
When the Egyptians divided up the period it takes the earth to cause
a light period and a dark period to exist they used a base 12 numbering system. This gives us a 24h day made up of 60 minutes per hour (5x12) made up of 60 seconds (5x12) per minute etc..
So yes man designed a system to measure duration between events in existence.