Why do we believe this? It is exactly what Einstein's General Theory of Relativity shows us. And this theory is one of the two most successful theories ever discovered! It has told us many crazy things, and so far they have all turned out to be correct.
I thank you for three paragraphs of explanation. And I will read them again carefully.
But, I do not understand what you are saying.
As for Einstien's Theory of General Relativity, I suspect there are a small handful of people on the planet who can claim to
REALLY understand it inside out.
I ain't one of them.OKay, maybe a lot more people can claim to REALLY understand it inside out.
But cosmology does fascinate me and always has.
I will say that I am not sure if infinity in a practical sense really exists. I could be wrong. But at present I think infinity maybe only exists in the mind as a concept.
Now, I am going to go back and read your post another time.
Edited by jaywill, : No reason given.