Devil's Advocate writes:
Problem is Thief,
Your posts make no sense. They are not coherent or understandable. And what is the point of your post. It makes no sense.
Length, time, colour and even mass depend on the observer's frame of reference. When you know how relative these concepts are, i am sure you'll be able to make sense of most of what he was saying in the post below:
thief writes:
So...Geometrical concepts height, width, length,and time are required to understand complex events, and some events calculate to observations that may be difficult to deal with if exposed to them.
At the speed of light, oncoming light sources would color shift, and no light source following you can be seen
See also here:
Special Relativity Simulator - About
thief writes:
You would have to deal with a perceptual warp.
No, you won't. That's one of the postulates of the theory you are describing. Nothing can travel FTL and no material object with mass can travel at the speed of light. One day, if we could utilise energy in quantities like that of the Sun, maybe we could get near the speed of light. But that's pure speculation.
thief writes:
Some believe that time slows as the speed of light is approached.
They don't believe, they are certain.
thief writes:
Would you continue to age?
Yes, but time is relative. It may seem like time passed at its conventional rate for you, but your grand-children might have already died of old age.
thif writes:
A journey through space, would later bring you home to find all the people you knew, to be dead by several hundred years. Your perception of time would be warped.
Right, time is relative.
thief writes:
I can think of one situation where time does not apply.
thief writes:
I am aware that extreme speed or extreme gravity 'warp' our perceptions
Distance, straight line, time, colour, mass.
Edited by Agobot, : No reason given.