Lacking the requisite math, I rely on analogies to reach some small degree of understanding about the Big Bang and other cosmological marvels.
When the pieces come together (determined mostly by being able to rephrase the analogy in a way an expert finds acceptable), it is exhilarating: I often star gaze, and sometimes mull over what I understand about what I see.
So, to my question and current hope for enlarged understanding: Is the universe more or less spherical? Does the expansion of space following the Big Bang occur in spherical symmetry?
Or are we lumpish?
The explanatory diagrams I've seen show the various cosmic epochs as unfolding in a sort of expanding trumpet shape--is this merely a matter of graphical convenience?
Does the universe have a center away from which everything is accelerating?
I realized I had not the slightest idea about the answers to these questions the other night after hiking to a nearby mountain top to watching for taurid meteors. They were few, but grand.
"If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs, you can collect a lot of heads."