lyx2no, thanks for the correction.
You're welcome, but it wasn't a correction, it was an argument. But my next sentence will be a correction. I'll apply your gratitude to it.
My question now is can the same thing be said about the evolution theory's explanation of the origin of life? Has anybody ever been able to generate an irreducibly complex system using only completely random forces?
The ToE say nothing whatsoever about origins. Furthermore, any failings of the ToE, real or imagined, have no value as evidence of creation; it must stand on its own.
Discovery of an irreducibly complex system could be problematical, possibly fatal, to the ToE; but, one has yet to be presented; and, that still would not support creationism until such time that "creationism" is defined in a much less nebulous fashion.
I have heard many theories on how it might be possible for this or that to have happened but never see any experiment or observations to back it up.
Have you been looking in the right places? Your questions so far cast suspicions about where you have been looking.
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