Here's an interesting news item about the teaching of creationism in UK schools. It's from More 4 News (Channel 4 News) and it is available here;
It shows (with a sort of straw poll) that creationism is being taught over here, exclusively in faith schools, some of which are publicly funded. Despite this there is still no real debate on the subject, probably due to the much lesser role that religion plays in UK public life (as compared with America).
The following statement, from Rabbi Yitchak Schochet of Mill Hill United Synagogue, is especially shocking. He says;
In other, more private Orthodox schools, typically, I don't think the concept of evolution is ever even mentioned. You ask the average child coming out of that school if they can even spell the word and in all likelihood, they can't. You ask them if they've ever heard of Darwin and the answer will certainly be no.
Is that a bad thing? I don't think so.

Wow. Just wow.
Mutate and Survive
"The Bible is like a person, and if you torture it long enough, you can get it to say almost anything you'd like it to say." -- Rev. Dr. Francis H. Wade