First of all thank you for welcoming me

. Second, I guess teaching ideas like creationism in science class would force the educational system to redefine the scientific process, which is based on hypotheses that are rigorously tested and PROVEN. Now since nothing in the bible can be PROVEN, it would be impossible to test it. This of course implies that the purpose of the bible is to help a person exercise his/her faith muscles. However, faith in what exactly? I cannot blindly have faith in something I can't sense, not to mention my curiosity. How does it account for curiosity?
The religious way of thinking is cyclical and is meant to go nowhere. 'I have to believe in a god because I OWE him my love and I should just leave it at that?' Religion is ONLY a capitalistic tool.
So teaching it in school is equivalent to labotomizing our children for future assembly line livelihoods.
Thank you