Phat writes:
Thats why Step 10 is so important. We continue to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.
Interesting that "admitted we were wrong" is in the past tense.
For me, at least----the 12 steps brought me out of a wormhole of past feelings/present behavior and gave me a new set of references between how I used to deal with things versus how I now choose to deal with things.
Again, that sounds more like a "new beginning", a one-time "conversion" instead of an on-going process.
The 12 step group is but one possible solution for dealing with the past....
While examining the past has its value, shouldn't dealing with addictions emphasize the present and the future? Do you really need to know "why" you drink, gamble, etc.? Isn't it more important to recognize the effects of your behaviour in the present?
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