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Member (Idle past 5404 days) Posts: 651 From: Jareth's labyrinth Joined: |
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Author | Topic: NEPHILIM mYsteries | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LudoRephaim Member (Idle past 5404 days) Posts: 651 From: Jareth's labyrinth Joined: |
Hey Brennakimi
![]() Neat hypothesis. Funny you mention the Neanderthals. There's a theory out that the Nephilim where indeed the Neanderthals, and there is a long, long essay somewhere on the web. Written by a young earther, it seems really interesting. I'll find it and post a link. BTW: sorry about the "mydol" remark in the other thread. "The Nephilim where in the Earth in those days..." Genesis 6:4
macaroniandcheese ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days) Posts: 4258 Joined: |
eh. shit happens.
there are plenty of other species it could be. it could also simply be contact with a slightly larger and more warlike tribe. there are plenty of those, too. anyone who is bigger or better or cooler or more politically savvy is often attributed diving blood. like romulus and remus and julius caesar and such nonsense. clearly, every leader ever can't have been descended from god. but so many claim to be. i think it's the same with such myths as the titans and the nephilim. of course they could just be flat made up.
LudoRephaim Member (Idle past 5404 days) Posts: 651 From: Jareth's labyrinth Joined: |
Strange you mention tribe. in my home state of Texas there was once a tribe of Indians called the Karankawa, who where (depending on what source you read) 6 feet 6 inches to 7 feet tall on average. They where feared for their cannibal habits (though they didn't do it often, and it was probably a ceremonial thing)Today there are no more Karankawa: Every man woman and child where killed
![]() BTW: here's the Neanderthal/Nephilim essay http://bric.users.ftech.net/rp.no38.html It is young earth, and i've only looked at a little of it, but it seems to make for good reading. Another thing that is strange: THe Nephilim and the Neanderthals have something in common: they both lived in ancient Israel (Neanderthal fossils are found in modern Israel, and the Nephilim where seen there during Moses time (1400 BC, see Numbers 13:33) Neanderthals were not giants, but it makes you wonder about that "mighty man" statement in Genesis 6:4... "The Nephilim where in the Earth in those days..." Genesis 6:4
LudoRephaim Member (Idle past 5404 days) Posts: 651 From: Jareth's labyrinth Joined: |
Another strange connection is that the tallest Neanderthal fossil skeleton was found in the Land of Israel. It stood nearly 6 feet (1.8 meters) tall (See "Neanderthal" by Paul Jordan, page 51)
"The Nephilim where in the Earth in those days..." Genesis 6:4
macaroniandcheese ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days) Posts: 4258 Joined: |
i think it's probably more a statement of strength than size. heros of old has always been interpretted to me as achilles and hercules and such. those were strong or immortal or whatever but not generally 'giants'.
LudoRephaim Member (Idle past 5404 days) Posts: 651 From: Jareth's labyrinth Joined: |
Brennakimi writes: I think it's probably more a statement of strength than size. Josephus, the ancient Jewish Historian, seems to agree with you. It is quite possible, though either way they seem to be angel/human beings. "The Nephilim where in the Earth in those days..." Genesis 6:4
macaroniandcheese ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days) Posts: 4258 Joined: |
so says the myth. but it's probably bunk.
LudoRephaim Member (Idle past 5404 days) Posts: 651 From: Jareth's labyrinth Joined: |
BTW: what is your view on the biological/physical.evolutionary possiblility that a species or race of gigantic human beings could exist? Me and a few others have posted some scientific stuff to look into da question. I'm curious as to what you think.
"The Nephilim where in the Earth in those days..." Genesis 6:4
macaroniandcheese ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days) Posts: 4258 Joined: |
i don't play that game. i don't know enough. there's no modern record of anyone over what 8 feet? i can't imagine circumstances being much different pre-modern.
i don't think real giants are likely. maybe tall people. but not much taller.
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
quote: http://s8int.com/giants5.html http://s8int.com/mega1.html Go to the bottome of each page. There are subpages in each. Pretty freaky stuff.
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1664 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
oh god not these again.
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
quote: What's wrong with those?
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1664 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
it's not the greatest source to refer to when you don't want to seem like a crackpot.
macaroniandcheese ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 4248 days) Posts: 4258 Joined: |
um. wyatt's full of it.
arachnophilia Member (Idle past 1664 days) Posts: 9069 From: god's waiting room Joined: |
i'm not really taking a side in this debate (similar to the leviathan one). i want to point out a few passages in the bible that do, unquestionably, describe giants.
and obvious choice:
quote: a less obvious, but bigger choice.
quote: that's over the ten foot mark. i'm still not sure that "rephaim" should be translated as "giants." rather, i think it might be the name of a people (who seem to have produced many giants, or were by legend very tall). the literal rendering of the name might be "hearty" or something similar -- the word is related to health, and healing, and doctors. it seems to me to be describing a strong people -- although height seems to be included.
We dont need to discuss it as support for the Bible. I'm just wanting to discuss if the idea of giant human species or races is possible, whether the Bible says there where or not. you'll have to wait till i switch gears on this one then. i'm still working out what a good translation is, and what it means. This message has been edited by arachnophilia, 05-07-2006 01:55 AM
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