Sorry your fazzled roboto85, my post above probably wont help either.
I'll conclude by just responding to the question you put directly to me:
Do you even believe evil exists in our world? Secondly, do you believe that the potential to do wrong needs to exist in our world.
We humans identify something that we believe is evil. An objective evil does not exist. The universe is impartial to our plight. See Yaro's examples about earthquakes and disease.
The is no objective morality: only what we humans (theist or non-theist) decide is right and wrong. Biblical morality is the same.
The potential to "do wrong", or evil does not NEED to exist in our world. As Yaro said, good and evil are purely arbitray human assessments.
Still, speculating on a world without our subjective assessment of evil would be just great. Why didn't God make that?
Actually, on second thoughts, don't answer that... we'll be bakc where we started.