I'm trying to decide if I even want to take the time to respond. It will be a waste because we will just disagree.
Well, if you don't then half the fun of being here is gone.
If you're looking to strengthen your faith by our agreement with your arguments then you have come to the wrong place. We are not the choir. Yes, some will disagree. More like a lot will disagree. OK, OK, the vast majority here will disagree. They do that around here. But, if you want to test your skills ... welcome to the pit!
You are trying to carry illogical positions with articles of faith, false assumptions and very weak arguments. You are going to get hit ... real hard.
Saying things like ...
You have to realize the people in your current discussion clearly don't understand biblical record or if they do they don't accept it, nor do they seem to appreciate a revelation from God.
... is going to get you kicked in the stomach. Yes, we do indeed understand the bible, its history, its meaning and in most cases soooo much better than most of the fundy christians that gallop in here to do battle with the atheists. And, of course, we don't accept your errant bible, nor do we appreciate any revelation from your god since practically no one here believes in your specific flavor of a god.
You cannot use juvenile arguments here. We have heard them all hundreds of times over. They are easily overcome since most fundies give no thought to the implications, no thought to debate format and seem to be here only to proselytize. That is too damn easy to defeat.
If you want to do dirty to the devil here, then suck it up, research, know thine enemy, grab a handful of crotch and argue, point for point. And for godsake, Blue, have the facts and know what you are talking about. Engage brain before opening mouth. This is not some high school social club. This is the big league.
Edited by AZPaul3, : cuz i wanted 2.