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Author | Topic: What if Jesus and Satan were real? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
What if Satan and Jesus were real..? Then the world would be a scary place because magic would be possible, and all manner of ghosts and goblins would also be possible.
What if the Easter Bunny was real, or Santa Claus, or fairies, or elves, or Leprechauns..? What if Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny fought it out using WWII weaponry..? But I'll play... If Jesus were real it still wouldn't mean that the stories told about him are true. Did Washington cut down the cherry tree..? Did Daniel Boone kill a bear when he was only three..? Satan, aka Lucifer the fallen angel, would be Donald Trump.
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
You asked for comments, so here goes...
Phat wrote,
quote: Okay, so you believe there's a difference between fiction and reality. I don't think many people would disagree with that assertion. The problem is that some people assert things to be a part of physical reality when all we have are a few scribbled notes from centuries, if not millenia ago. However, when you write "to some extent it likely is, but not totally" your position becomes muddy. Physical reality is independent of whether we believe in it or not. That, that is, is. That, that is not, is not. Religious myths and legends are as old as man himself, with certain memes echoing down the ages, like the creation myth and the flood myth.
quote: That is indeed the tricky part.
quote: Insofar as the Bible is concerned, which stories do you think aren't made up or invented (regardless of the motivation), and what is your reason for so believing..?
quote: When you've made up your mind come back and we can discuss it, but hedging your bets on every assertion begins to look silly. I think you should stop looking for external meaning in your life, and start providing your own meaning.
quote: You suggest first that such beliefs cause no real harm and then continue about the harm caused by such beliefs. Then there is harm caused by such beliefs.
quote: Choices are either right or wrong or neutral, and that determination is entirely based on the outcomes, so all morality/ethics are situational in nature. Labeling actions as good or evil are entirely based on religious considerations and have no place in physical reality. Not everyone can tell the difference between right and wrong, and those people are mentally disabled.
quote: No, we don't all know what actions we "should" take, because in some people their ability to feel empathy is damaged or missing. There is no God, and hence there is no reason to give credit or blame to any such fictional deity for any choice we make. Many of our choices are predetermined by the kind of person we have become, which is based on our upbringing, culture, education, intelligence, and morality/ethics. The choices you make in life are often determined for you, and you have no conscious knowledge of the subconscious choices being made.
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
According to the UN crime stats the rate of murder in RSA is 31.0 per 100,000 in 2012.
Available at Data To keep this in perspective the Bahamas had a murder rate of 29.8 per 100,000 in 2012. Puerto Rico had a murder rate of 26.5 per 100,000 in 2012. El Salvador had a murder rate of 41.2 per 100,000 in 2012. Honduras had a murder rate of 90.4 per 100,000 in 2012. And the murder rate in the United States was 4.7 per 100,000 in 2012, but that's not the entire story. The murder rate in Detroit, a city of over 500,000, was 54.6 per 100,000 in 2012, and Baltimore's murder rate was 35.0 per 100,000 in 2012. So, statistically you're more likely to be murdered in Baltimore or Detroit than in RSA.
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
The size of the country is also part of the equation, which was why I inlcuded Puerto Rico, among others...to show how the data can be tainted to make a political point.
Comparing the murder rate by country is ineffective in showing how dangerous a place is, because you aren't everywhere in the country. The specific area you're located is where you should be looking for data. The murder rate in Detroit is 10 times the national average. That is a significant difference. What was the murder rate in Johannesburg or Cape Town..? Do the majority of murders happen in the cities, or rural areas..?
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined:
quote: Your experiences, explained or unexplained, are completely separate from whether the stories in the Bible are true or not. If you don't care if the stories are true, then evidence is unnecessary. Basing your belief in God on unexplained experiences is called the fallacy of ignorance, which means simply that you can't explain something and therefore you will make the assumption that something else caused it. Isn't the idea of magical pixies having your back just as compelling..? Why would the concept of the God of the Bible, who is cruel, immature, vain, and selfish (according to the stories about Him) provide you with any life-affirming support..? I was specifically answering a post where the person posting said that there were stories that he didn't think were fictional. And that was why I asked which ones weren't fictional or made up, and how he knew they weren't fictional or made up.
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
Phat wrote:
quote: Well, that's your book isn't it..? In the history of Lourdes, the place where the Virgin Mary supposedly appeared to a young Frenchwoman, there have been only 69 miraculous healings recognized by the Catholic Church. Approximately 5 million people visit Lourdes every year. It is said that 200 million people have visited Lourdes since 1860. Certainly, not all the people that visit Lourdes come there looking for a miracle, but even if only 1/10 of 1 percent came looking for a miracle, then the batting average for God is pretty dismal (assuming that the supposed healings are actually miraculous, which may not be true at all). One might also ask why God hates amputees, since no amputee has ever been healed.
quote: Ask directions of whom, you..? The lack of evidence for your God is deafening. There is as much evidence for Hercules as there is for your God. Even if the Bible, an anonymous and apocryphal book from antiquity, were true the God depicted in it is hardly worthy of worship. Did He have Job's back..? What about the daughter of Jephthah..?
quote: Technically, and in every other way, but you know that your assumptions are better founded, right..? Why is that..?
quote: Except they have evidence to support their internal subjective map, and you have nothing but wild conjecture for your objective map imparted from your God.
quote: Because that's what the evidence supports. Do you have some demonstrable evidence that shows something else..? The James Randi Educational Foundation has a $1,000,000 offer open to anyone who can demonstrate anything supernatural.
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
quote: No, I don't. But I'd be willing to entertain any evidence you might have that supports your conjecture. Do you have any evidence that supports your conjecture..?
quote: How do you know that's the case..? How do you know you have communion with an invisible deity, for which there is no evidence..? How do you know you're not simply communing with yourself, in your own head, or worse communing with Satan..?
quote: Are you referring to the same deity written about in the Old Testament. Because if you are that God appears to be incredibly selfish, insecure, childish, and vain.
quote: But He could make it happen if He chose to, because He's omnipotent, right..? So, it's His decision not to make it happen.
quote: If you're required to beg/ask without the benefit of convincing evidence, and then under threat of torture it isn't a joint decision at all. It's similar to the Mafia boss who threatens to break your legs unless you pay for protection. That's a joint decision too, according to your thinking. It can only be a free and fair decision if there are no threats or promises, and that's not the case is it..? Edited by MFFJM2, : No reason given.
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
quote: Is that because you lack a moral compass of your own..? If you have no morality except for what God gives you how do you know God is good..? Was slavery good, because God approved of it..? What about child abuse, human sacrifice, genocide, murder, rape, pillage, to mention just a few..? Are you suggesting that these things are moral, because your God supports all of them.
quote: Prayer is a waste of time, even if you believe in your deity, and a colossal waste of time if you don't.
quote: Mumbling a few words to yourself is not difficult in the least, but it is a waste of time. Please provide your evidence for the efficacy of prayer.
quote: Sure, what history would you like to review..? How about the lack of historical evidence for Moses..?
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
Blue wrote
quote: What record..? The Bible doesn't provide an historical record, according to historians.
quote: Bingo. Historians don't accept the Bible for its historicity, so why should anyone else..?
quote: I would if you could provide some mechanism to differentiate said revelation from a delusion/hallucination. Can you provide any such mechanism..?
quote: This is called a Strawman Argument. I don't know anyone who thinks this way, except for theists, because their God is something that came from nothing.
quote: Of course you do; people who share the same delusion often agree with each other.
quote: The mental hospitals and psych wards are full of people who claim to have had these revelations.
quote: No, it's not. Science requires evidence. Science provides testable results. Science is peer reviewed.
quote: For which there is not a scintilla of evidence. Saying something is so, doesn't make it so. The James Randi Educational Foundation is offering $1,000,000 to anyone who can provide evidence of the supernatural.
quote: Delusional thinking has been explained for over 100 years. However, insofar as the supernatural is concerned, science cannot explain that which does not exist.
quote: If that's the case why are you all so intent on telling us all about them..? Why is Lourdes a shrine..? How can you tell the difference between a genuine revelation and a delusion..?
quote: Matthew 6:5-6 is about prayer, not revelation. Now how about providing us with the slightest reason we should believe you've had a genuine revelation, and are not simply delusional..?
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
Blue writes,
quote: Wow, I feel honored. This should be interesting, insofar as the rubbish you're willing to argue.
quote: What you decide to argue is entirely up to you, so you needn't argue anything, especially if you feel you're unable.
quote: My sources..? My single source is the Bible. Do you mean you want to know where in the Bible it explicitly or implicitly approves of slavery, child abuse, human sacrifice, genocide, rape, murder and pillage..? Are you kidding..? Okay, here are just a few of the many instances where the Bible (the inerrant word of your God) supports the above: Slavery - EX 21:20-12; LE 25:44-46, DT 15:17, EP 6:5, CN 3:22, TS 2:9, 1PE 2:18; EX 21:7-11. Child Abuse - GE 17:14; EX 21:17, LE 20:9, DT 21:18-21; PR 13:24, 22:15, 23:13. Human Sacrifice - LE 27:29; NU 31:31-40 (32 virgins are set aside for Jehova, to be burnt offerings). Genocide - 1SA 15:7-8, 20; EX 32:27; NU 21:3; NU 21:35; NU 31:17-18; DT 2:33-34; DT 3:6; DT 7:2; JS 6:21-27; JS 10:28; Rape - NU 31:18, 35, JG 21:12; NU 31:9; NU 31:31-40; DT 21:10-13. Murder - GE 4:13-15; EX 32:27, DT 7:2, 13:15, 20:1-18 Pillage - EX 3:20-22, DT 20:13-17; JS 6:21-27; JS 10:28. How's that..?
quote: So, when they are in conflict, do you obey the morality of your deity, or the morality of your culture..? You know, like where it says you should kill people for working on the Sabbath.
quote: Like killing homosexuals..? And killing people who plant different crops side by side, and wear two different kinds of cloth..? What about cutting the hands off of women..? Are these the morals you find superior..?
quote: The morals of yours that I'm interested in are the ones that come from the Bible, and that are not part of our culture, like burning women with fire because the live a lifestyle you don't approve of, like a sex worker.
quote: Just as we can't prove any negative, like that our morals come from pixies, or elves. You are asserting your morals come from God, and that places the burden of proof squarely on you. Either you find the morality espoused by your God as correct or incorrect. Which is it..?
quote: And it's not necessary to "prove" any such thing. All that needs to be shown, to villify your God, is that evil exists, and that He permits or condones that existence.
quote: The existence of evil contradicts a loving God who is omnipotent. The Euthyphro dilemna is one of Plato's early dialogues, and shows clearly that the existence of God and evil are incompatible.
quote: Oh sure they were....ROFL. Does that include where it says in the Bible you can beat a slave as long as he doesn't die in a day or two..? How they were treated is not the issue. The only issue is whether it is moral to own another human being as property. The Bible and your God assert that it is moral, but in the modern world it is not moral. Which do you agree with..?
quote: OMG, are you a Teabagger..? This comment has nothing to do with the thread, or anything I posted, so I'll just assume you wrote it while you were off your meds.
quote: Apparently, you missed the point. If your God is omniscient then He already knows everything, including your desires and needs. In fact He would've taken those things into account before making His plans, and if He is perfect then His plan must be perfect as well. Consequently, anything you might ask for would be unnecessary and would be a request for Him to change or alter His plans, which being perfect He couldn't or wouldn't do. Prayer to an omniscient God is a waste of time, since He already knows everything.
quote: As a former Christian, who was baptized and attended church for years I can certainly state without fear of contradiction that I prayed much the same as you do. I can't prove I did any more than you can prove you do, but since this is an unremarkable claim I take you at your word when you say you pray. Too bad you don't take me at my word.
quote: Intercessory prayer has been shown to be worthless in a variety of studies, but that's insufficient proof for you, isn't it..?
quote: And that evidence may be convincing for you, but it should never be convincing for anyone else. My question is, how do you know that the evidence you received all through your life is evidence, if you accept it on faith..?
quote: Perhaps they are, or maybe it's just wishful thinking. In any case the number of people who believe a thing to be true in no way makes it true. When the majority of people believed the earth was flat, did that make it flat..? And when they changed their beliefs and began to believe it was round, did the earth change and become round..?
quote: He who asserts must prove, so yes you do. However, your failure to provide evidence for the efficacy of prayer simply shows you have no such evidence.
quote: I was a Christian for many years, and prayed exactly in the same manner as you, whether you belive it or not (here comes the no true Scotsman fallacy). The one thing that those who were Christians, and later became atheists can attest to is the fact that prayer is useless, except that it might make you feel better. However, that says nothing about its efficacy, does it..?
quote: Not true at all, but even if you were right, it wouldn't matter. How does your claimed lack of evidence for Alexander the Great impact my life, or anyone else's life..? How would a lack of evidence effect the lives of Christians..? See the difference..? Here is a lengthy response to your assertion about Alexander the Great... Debunking Christianity: Alexander the Great, Jesus, and David Marshall: A Simpleton's Approach to History It's entitled "Alexander the Great, Jesus, and David Marshall: A Simpleton's Approach to History, By Dr. Hector Avalos"
quote: Yes, that's right a lack of evidence is not equivalent to non-existence. So Bigfoot, fairies, elves, and Leprechauns are all as believable to you as Moses..? Lack of evidence requires a degree of skepticism, and the default is non-belief until sufficient convincing evidence is provided. You only get proof in mathematics, and alcohol. In history we get a degree of certainty. Read the article I provided, it explains it in detail.
quote: Yes, that's called the scientific method. Interpretations change because new evidence and theories explaining the evidence are advanced. It doesn't happen by whim, or because of revelation.
quote: And you have evidence that denies or contradicts the evidence found and corroborated by scientists all over the world that specifically supports the big bang..? Could you provide that evidence..? An opinion, especially from someone who has no knowledge, or training in the field of cosmology, is less than convincing.
quote: You're making the assertion, so it's not up to me to look up the evidence that you assert exists. If you had any evidence for your wild conjecture it would have been published and you (or the people making this claim that are putting forward) would have a Nobel Prize in physics. Do you have a Nobel Prize..? No..? Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson share a Nobel Prize for discovering the cosmic microwave background radiation left over from the Big Bang.
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined:
quote: I don't usually make an issue out of misspellings, but this one is funny. Fear is a terrible thing to live with, so don't let it rule your life.
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
quote: I didn't write that you were fearful of my response. I wrote that you shouldn't live in fear, and that was specifically directed at the kind of deity you assert exists, and that you feel the need to worship.
quote: Your post had a point..? Well, then I most certainly did miss it. It appeared that you were rambling about many things, with very loose connectivity to them. Could we perhaps return to the thread..?
quote: Why don't you try answering the questions I posed, and which you've done your best to ignore..?
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
quote: This statement is meaningless, did you perhaps forget a word..? If you think that Jehova and Satan both exist, even though there is no evidence for either, how do you know which one is sending you a revelation..? Or are you just assuming it's God and not Satan..?
quote: Probably not in the womb, but since then...yes, you probablly were, even if you didn't give it much thought. An atheist wouldn't need to "test" a deity with prayer. The exercise would be meaningless.
quote: How do you know they weren't coincidences, or confirmation bias, or delusion..? What kinds of double blind tests did you run..?
quote: Because of something you heard in your head..? Spoken like a true atheist...er, former atheist.
quote: Too bad, I was looking forward to a burning bush or perhaps a moment of zen. You can't imagine the number of people I've run into who believe with all their hearts that they've had communications with a deity, and then they find out things aren't always as they appear. It could have been a delusion, or an hallucination, or simply wishful thinking, and all of these are more likely than supernatural revelation. Before the supernatural can be invoked as a causal agent, all other natural explanations must first be considered. One person, on another website, told me about how his father was near death, and when he prayed (as an atheist no less) his father was miraculously healed, and even the doctors said it was a miracle. When I asked where this miracle had been written up in the JAMA, he admitted that they diidn't write it up, just that they told him it was a miracle. I pointed out that very often when Doctors can't explain something, rather than look stupid to the patient or the patient's family they will invoke a miracle. However, when the medical practioner is pressed they simply mean it was an unexplained event. Unexplained remission of disease is not automatically a miracle, since spontaneous remission can be seen in lab rats. Unless you think your God is healing rats miraculously..?
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
quote: The logical absolutes say you are wrong, and that there are many things that are impossible. Can you square a circle..? Can a dog be a cat..? Something cannot be itself, and yet not itself.
quote: Science is the only way to determine reality with any degree of confidence. You can always claim some other methodology works, but unless you use the scientific method of empirical evidence, peer review, and testing it isn't viable.
quote: Yes, we do, but not all opinions are of equal validity. Unless you have training, and a certain amount of expertise in a subject your opinion amounts to nothing more than hot air.
quote: Sometimes there are, and sometimes there aren't. However, the scientists determine and put forward new theories based on empirical evidence and critical thinking, not on a revelation or faith. Edited by MFFJM2, : No reason given.
MFFJM2 Member (Idle past 3506 days) Posts: 58 From: Washington, DC Joined: |
quote:quote:Yes. I've done it plenty of times with software. Your answer simply means you didn't understand the question. A square is a geometric form just like a circle. They are by definition different, and therefore it is impossible to make a square into a circle and retain being a square. Please tell me more about what you've done in software that refutes basic logic. Can you also make a dog a cat and retain its being a dog..?
quote:quote:Yes. Label a cat a dog, and a dog a cat. This is not only stupid, but a violation of the law of identity. You can call a dog a cat, which pretty much sums up the ability of theists to use logic, but it doesn't stop it being what it is.
quote:quote:Yes it can. No it can't. It's the law of identity.
quote: And you do..? Where did you get your PhD is physics..? I don't need to know anything about quantum mechanics to know you don't know what you're talking about regarding logic. You are thinking of human labels, and I am talking about identity. They are not the same thing. An electron is what it is and cannot be what it is not, even if we don't yet fully understand what it is.
quote: No, you're simply wrong. The logical absolutes tell us that some things are impossible, even if you can't understand the logical absolutes. Example: it is impossible for me to be omniscient. Edited by MFFJM2, : sp.
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