'And God so loved the world...'
Evil existed before humans. So humans did not create evil. Before humans, Satan was not evil. Therefore evil either has always existed or it was created. There is only one creative spirit. Jesus.
But the abstraction of evil is not real evil. For real evil to come into the world, there needs to be evildoers. For evildoers, there needs to be free agency. God created free agency. God created evildoers. God created real evil.
But there needs to be more than free agency. There also needs to be the desire to commit evil. It is one thing to be free to commit evil, but if humans lacked the desire, there would be no real evil. For real evil there must be desire. God created desire to commit evil. God created the knowledge of how to commit evil. God created disobedient and curious humans who would acquire that knowledge and their desire to enact it.
God, and therefore Jesus, created evil. The Bible provides me with all the evidence I need.
Satan did what God told him to, and was absolutely essential to realize God's goals. Satan cannot create evil. Even in the New Testament, whose authors slander Satan at all opportunities by 'creating'
* a new character, the devil, and insinuating they are one and the same. Even if we assume he is the temptor - he is working with tools God created - human desire, human's poor reasoning skills etc.
To answer
Message 1
The fact of Jesus and Satan is not a fact. It is a Belief. Now...what if this belief were false?
1) People known as Christians would be made out to look as ignorant and stupid as possible. Much of it would be their own fault, for they would try and live as believers and as worldly people at the same time.
2) Other religions would be involved in conflict just like Christianity.
3) People who practiced and studied occult and ancient mystery religions would be quite intellectual and bemused by all of the hoopla over supernatural reality. They would consider it all an exercise in intellectual mystic states of achievement.
4) Many would call themselves Christians who were not.
5) The Bible would be ridiculed and scorned for its fantasy, yet concepts such as alternative universes and the Tao of Physics would be reverently considered.
6) People with Williams Syndrome would love all of us...buffoon and bartender, professor and psychotic (incidentally, what's wrong with psychotics, are the unloveable? 1 in 20 people will suffer an episode of psychosis, 1 in a 100 will be plagued by it and are typically called schizophrenic. Two of my closest friends suffer(ed) with psychosis. One of them was killed by it.)
7) Satan would not let us know about him.
8) Anytime that the topic was brought up, people would attempt to either refute the basic message or distract attention from it.
* by creating I mean by stealing from pagans.