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Author | Topic: Claims of God Being Omnipotent in the Bible | |||||||||||||||||||
Derrick Inactive Member |
Cool answ to the debate on Adam dieing on "The Day". Only God knows if its the right one though. There are many places in the NT where it talks about Death reighning in the children of darkness. And Death reining from the time of Adam (the First). Through our bonds with the First Adam we are all dead. Thus speaking of a spiritual death?
Derrick Inactive Member |
god is being decietful and tricky (and petty and jealous), yes, but he's not lying. you can decieve with the truth
This must be the whorst reply I've read thus far. To be decietful is to make someone else belive something that is not true. If your telling white lies, halve truths or any other bended line, you end up with a curve. God does not lie. end point and full stop. If you belive that, say it. End.
Derrick Inactive Member |
Dear Dr Bill
Q1: R u a real doc.? Q2: ? did u leave semanary (Sorry no email available 4 u, If u dont want to answ this on the board use my email.) Q3: Do you think yourself 2b clever, rev.2 your arguments? (be careful about your answer.) Q4: Since God made the univese, do you think we may trust Him to do that, which works to the greater good? Q5: If you knew all there is to know about God, would He still be God? (Who would then have the claim to infenate wisdom?
Derrick Inactive Member |
yes, and you CAN do that with the truth. you can even do it without "white lies and half truths." you can do with selective reporting of the facts. politicians do this all the time. how is this hard to understand?
The truth does not only consist of facts. It also rests on motive and interpritation. Whith what motive was the facts presented and how was it interpreted. There is and example of this in the passage of the temptation of Christ.PS Are you just playing Devils Advocate or whats your belief?
Derrick Inactive Member |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned ..." Romans 5:17 KJV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is this talking about 'spiritual death'? I don't think so. Were all those sinless people 'spiritually dead'? That doesn't seem reasonable either.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Bill, Please do me and every one else a emence favour and quote the entire verse. Better jet, read the passage. It states that The rest did not sin as Adam did. i.e. they did other sins. If you read this passage you sould be able to desern that Death is punnishment for disobediace to God and that it reighned from "Adam"
Derrick Inactive Member |
For instance the "seed of the woman" was not understood
it means child. i can find you a half dozen references that clearly use the idea to imply NON virgin birth. why would the genesis one be any different than say eli and elkanah's child?--------------------------------------------------------------------- You said you can find 6. Please find 2 that actually talk about the seed of a "woman", that also refers to virgin birth (Mary and JC i.e. gosples excluded) *********************************************************************if i read "macbeth" and then go and kill my boss so i can get promoted in his stead, was macbeth prophetic of what i did? did shakespeare not understand the concept of me killing my boss? think about it. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Whatever your smoking, I want two! what does Mac have to do with it? *********************************************************************you know, that's funny. god doesn't just disappear from the bible after genesis 3, does he? he doesn't even start to slow down until after moses. god's all over the bible. what exactly DID change in genesis 3? they got kicked out of the garden and had to work for themselves. they were gonna die anyways, and we're no more separate from god because of it. to say anything else is to be in complete contradiction to the text. stop making stuff up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you actually READ Gen or are you working on hearsay? Before the fall they walke with God, talked with Him as friends, being Naked infront of Him (intemacy if you will) did not even botter them. After the fall, all that's gone. Let me colour it a bit more, your married, you cheet on your spouce. He/she walks in. You and you friend go for clothes. What just happend to your, marrage and relationship? Why are you suddenly scared to be naked infront of your spouce? Is your sp. going to be arround very much longer? ********************************************************************* Many people agree with you that it is physical death. If it is, what's a thousand years compared with eternity? That would seem pretty much immediate to someone comparing the two time periods. --------------------- oh, now god is stupid? i would rather he be a liar than stupid. he told adam that adam would die that same day. i think he put it in adam's terms, don't you? ---------------------------------------------------------------------Tel me again, how does above mentioned statemet make God stupid. The writer is stating a possibility that God might have mesuring a day diffrently than we do. Adam, living closely with God at that time would have known exatly what God ment, don't you think? ********************************************************************* the story is not about a loss of immortality. it's about the origin of a people, and the reasons why:men work/farm in a desert women have a painful childbirth and parenting process snakes slither/smell with their tongues. --------------------------------------------------------------------- True ,not about Loss of immortality and it is about the origen of man. i.e. God. Your focus is out of place. If your focus was on target, Lions would be mowing your lawn.
Derrick Inactive Member |
how are some men in the bible called perfect? good old job
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Quite correct. A few people are called perfect in the word. But perfect does not always refer to sinless. As far as I'm concerned it only speaks of God as perfect in any absolutes. Christians are made perfect in Christ. A man humble before God is also said to be perfect or rightous. (get where I'm going). ********************************************************************* don't think death is a punishment--------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are a Christian Death is no punishment, although we have to complete our task at hand and when its done, we will be called home. If you Don't belive in hell and think of Death as a cutoff switch, then it would be and easey way to cop-out of any problems. But hell does exist and therfor it is a punnishment to any one not found in Christ. Sorry. About Abraham and Moses... see Heb 11
Derrick Inactive Member |
Read it again, He gave the ass the ability to speak.
Derrick Inactive Member |
still a lot of asses speaking today, but are they God-directed? Hi, Ram, still a lot of asses speaking today, but are they God-directed? If you are calling people "idiots", are you God-directed?think about it.
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