buzsaw writes:
Well then I, Buzsaw, according to the Greek can lay claim to "the anointed one."
No. You can't. Wrong culture. Wrong century. Wrong office. How flipantly you dismiss precious truth gleaned from true Bible study; and completely ignore the devastating conclusion to which it leads.
I provided a bonafide dictionary definition of each word and no way do they interchange as per definition.
Who would expect a modern English dictionary to deal effectively with questions of ancient language? You Buz? Or someone wishing to avoid the issue? An honest seeker of truth might consult a good lexicon, like Young's or Strong's. Perhaps that is too much to ask?
Cyrus ... does in no way fit the ticket for Biblical messiah.
No one has claimed that he does.
You people who claim so are just showing your ignorance of Biblical doctrine,
I can appreciate your animosity, y'old Fart, but you should attack us for what we say, not what you'd like to imagine we have said.
If you can't even accept the dictionary definition of these word/terms, then I can't help you.
No one is rejecting the dictionary definitions, although many realize that they are inadequate. A good concordance/lexicon is much more revealing. Do you object to consulting the great experts on biblical Hebrew and Greek?
BTW Buz: We are not seeking your assistance.

Theology is the science of Dominion.- - - My God is your god's Boss - - -