Peg writes:
it was a miracle. The shadow was given as a sign and the witnesses would have seen it as the sun staying put in the sky because from their perspective, its the sun that moves
So was the earth still rotating as usual and the shadow an illusion placed by divine intervention in order to keep the testimony in Joshua infallible?
just because the writer wrote that the sun stood still, does not have to mean that it literally stood still.
Just because the Bible is literal doesn't mean it should be taken literally unless a self-proclaimed 'voice of god' says it is.
it stood still by their perspective only...and the inpsired writer saw the same event and so recorded it as the way he saw it.
Which makes subjective observations the same as objective truth regardless of contradiction as long as the human/divine interpreter says so. Great, everything is true and false at the same time!
About the book of Enoch...its not a bible book and its writings are quite different to what is found in the bible.
Tell that to the Ethiopians.
I have a question. Since according to you there are 'good' Bibles and 'bad' Bibles, 'literal' and 'literal but not literal' interpretations, 'good' science and 'bad' science depending upon what you claim is to be taken literally or not from any given Bible, are you stating that your person, because you claim to be inspired by that divine spark, are the sole and final arbiter of all religion and science for everyone on earth?
I just ask because you seem utterly unaware of self-contradiction or indeed even the concept of basic human humility before God when debating.
The Bible is literal and not literal but still is to be taken literally - Peg (in so many words)
It's a floor polish - wife.
No it's a desert topping - husband.
No it's a floor polish - wife.
Wait, it's both a floor polish and a desert topping - announcer.
Saturday Night Live, first season.
{ABE} I have nothing against you personally and am not seriously suggesting you are a person of infinite ego, but would you please think through some of these IMO irrational, self-contradictory, and indeed even bizarre statements before posting.
Edited by anglagard, : No reason given.
Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider - Francis Bacon
The more we understand particular things, the more we understand God - Spinoza