exactly my point. have you ever been in the middle of the ocean? when you look to the horizon, it actually curves. i don't know how they could have missed that. also, if they would actually stop and think about it, if there was a central gravity point, wouldn't all of the mass around it get into the closest space to the source? that makes a ball. it is also scientifically innacurate according to my statement. if there was a flat earth, then there would have to be a center of gravity much like a flat plane. it would stand to reason that the plane would try to stretch into infinity. therefore the small amount of mass that would have been the earth would crumble and tear itself apart to get to the source of the flat gravity.
it would also not make sense that someone could fall off the earth, due to the gravity of the flat plane. once you started to walk off the edge, the next segment of the plane would take hold, much like if you were able to walk around the earth. you don't fall off when you get to antarctica, do you?
Edited by hawkes nightmare, : No reason given.