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Author | Topic: Endtime Prophecy and the European Union | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
It's Javier Solana.
He is Secretary-General of the Council of the EU and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). He was the Sectretary General of NATO before that.
Link to info on Dr. Solana. Aslan is not a Tame Lion
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Let me get this strait. Do you believe that Jesus is the "only begotten" son of the living God, that he rose from the dead and that he was seen by many then went to be with the Father and is coming back to gather the Christians to himself until it is time for him to return and set up his kingdom on Earth? That is totally irrelevant to the question of the accuracy of something as silly as End Time Prophecy and the European Union. What someone believes has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not something is accurate or as in the case of End Time Prophecy, just nonsense that has been shown to be wrong time after time after time after time ... Aslan is not a Tame Lion
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
There are things hidden in the word that nobody can understand without the Holy Ghost (That would be Jesus Ghost) revealing it to him. Yeah, the old Gnostic idea that there is hidden meaning that is only revealed to the few. Nice con, works well. But so far no one has been able to explain how you can be sure it is the "Jesus Ghost" (LOL) and test it. But you can test what is written against reality and that shows that so far, all the prophecy crap that has been presented is simply false. Bring on a Prophecy and we will gladly take a look at it but don't wast time on nonsense like the veri-chip cause that dog don't hunt. So far all the folk that support End Time Prophecy have done is pervert the Bible and what is written. What you are doing, my friend, is called Blaspheming the Holy Ghost. Think on that while you still have time. Aslan is not a Tame Lion
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
You said "But you can test what is written against reality and that shows that so far, all the prophecy crap that has been presented is simply false." How can you say that given all of the talk on here about the EU? Daniel said the beast would have 10 horns. He said these were 10 kings. The EU has 10 nations who have control over the rest. Well first of, that is simply a silly assertion to make and shows just how bankrupt End Time Prophecy is. The EU has 27 Member States.
The Catholic Church is a perfect match to the prophecy of Babylon the Great in Rev 17. They are dressed in scarlet and purple. they practice many of the heathen rituals as part of Christian doctrine, They pray to the saints which is an act of worship, There are 7 hills where the vatican sits, waters being nations, they sit in control of many waters, More Nonsense from the End Time Prophecy folk. They dress in scarlet and purple and black and white and green and blue. They practice NO heathen rituals. There are seven hill where Baltimore sits, while there are NOT Seven Hills at the Vatican or Vatican City. The Vatican Controls only one Nation, Vatican City. Can't you folk EVER get even one fact straight? No wonder folk just laugh at those pushing End Time Prophecies.
Are you telling me you can't see this?
Damn right I can't see that. All I see are folk who are totally delusional and that have no connection with either fact or reality.
There is an asteroid hit discribed in rev 8. The timing seems in direct match with the one they are watching today. It could be it??? What in the world are you talking about? I just checked the news and no one is watch an asteroid hit, either here on earth or anywhere else at this moment.
Tell me you see none of this and i will quit wasting my time on this forum. Aw, stick around. End Time Prophecy is always good for a laugh or two. Aslan is not a Tame Lion
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Well I take Christianity very seriously and the End Times Prophecy folk simply pervert all of the teachings. They are ignorant of what is actually in the Bible, and ignorant of the world we live in.
Then they get upset when you point out just how silly their Prophecies are and actually post the passage from the Bible so others can see just how much they misrepresent what the Bible actually says. Edited by jar, : fix sub-title Aslan is not a Tame Lion
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Thats quite an assertion! Of course, I suppose that you don't hold any particular reverence for Jesus, so I suppose that you feel quite comfortable judging his words as those of a mere man (or even as a myth) That is irrelevant. We can check the statements alleged to have been made by Jesus against reality. Aslan is not a Tame Lion
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
End Time prophecy is simply nonsense which is why those that are deluded enough to believe in it never stay around and defend it. It is simply crazy folk with absolutely no connection with reality among the believers and conmen hucksters peddling at the top.
But it is BIG money. Sell dem video games, novels and subscription newsletters. And as long as the hucksters declare most of their loot to the IRS, a perfectly legal scam. AbE: By the way, since it is absolutely obvious to anything with more brains than a red brick that the EU Prophecy was just nonsense, the latest variation on the Con is to resurrect the Western European Union (WEU) since it still has ten member nations. Unfortunately, it is also largely defunct with all of the significant functions transfered to the EU already. To make the position of the Prophecy even more ludicrous, there are now 28 Member, Associate and Observer Nations in the WEU. A big deal was made of the fact that Javier Solano was the head, BUT, the Presidency of the WEU is a rotating six-month position. Hardly the position of the AntiChrist. They also peddled Tony Blair as the "False Prophet". Now that I can see. ROTFLMAO Edited by jar, : add the WEU con Aslan is not a Tame Lion
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
and if reality is not originating from God, it originates from.....where, exactly? Irrelevant. Where reality originated (if that is even a question) is unimportant to the existence of reality. Aslan is not a Tame Lion
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
He is talking about the European Union. As far as I know, the EU doesn't have anything like the security council. This is yet another area where it is very easy for the Prophecy folk to play word games. With the creation of the EU and the end of the Cold War, the security functions of NATO are gradually being assumed by the EU. BUT... they also play games with the UN and the UN Security Council in the sure knowledge that their audience is too ignorant to know how silly their assertions really are. The facts are that the UN Security Council does not have any capabilities of projecting power unless Member Nations provide the funding, logistics and manpower. It is toothless. Aslan is not a Tame Lion
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Immigration has been a problem Since 1607!
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Allow what?
What does any of it have to do with the topic? Where is the problem? In case you were unaware, I have said many times that I believe the US is in its last half century at best of its existence. But its dissolution will not likely be from things like trade and security agreements, it will be destroyed by Fundamentalist Christians. But again, what does that have to do with the topic? Immigration has been a problem Since 1607!
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
One other point. You seem to imply that the North American Union would lead to the dissolution of the US.
Can you list the nations that ceased to exist when they became members of the EU? Immigration has been a problem Since 1607!
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
So far you have not identified a single problem.
You have not identified a single nation that was dissolved through joining the EU. Guess what. Constitutions and Amendments to Constitutions do NOT have to be ratified by all members, it depends on their own process requirements. You have not supported how any of this is related to the Topic. What is the problem with a world government? What is wrong with a world currency? What may I ask is the issue? Immigration has been a problem Since 1607!
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Your quote Jar. If the NAU goes through, just like in the EU there will be no border between the US and Mexico or Canada. We will become a western EU. i.e. the North American Union, with an all new communist government. Ah, sorry but what is the problems? What does it have to do with the topic? AbE: And do you have any idea who immigrated here in 1607? Edited by jar, : add question on signature. Immigration has been a problem Since 1607!
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
And how is any of that supported by anything in the passage you quoted?
Did you actually read the quoted passage?Anyone so limited that they can only spell a word one way is severely handicapped!
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