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I'm not a prophecy buff either, but I do know a few things.
If you already know the following, you can skip it.
In Daniel 8, I believe, the 70 sevens (490 years) are decried with an interruption at the 69th seven. Christ was that interruption and there are now seven years remaining to be fulfilled at an unknown date. This 7-year period is called the tribulation when in Revelation the bowls of wrath are poured out upon the earth. Apparently Christians are to be taken away before this happens, but there is some debate on this. There will be 4 major super-powers: the kings of the North, South, East, and West. Were it to happen today these would be Russia, Arab Aliance, China, and the UN/EU. The Anti-Christ is supposed to be head of the Western block and have 10 under him. He is supposed to make a seven year peace treaty with Israel and attempt to once and for all secure peace on earth. The Anti-Christ is killed at the halfway mark and raised to life again possessed by satan. The second half of the tribulation is filled with even more catastrophe eventually the one world government breaks down into its four main components and they meet in a battle over the valley of Meggido.