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Author | Topic: Endtime Prophecy and the European Union | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CWHJr Junior Member (Idle past 6417 days) Posts: 8 Joined: |
Hey Paulk;
I have a question for you. I have heard others teach that Daniel 9;27 was fulfilled by Epephanes. Correct me if i am wrong but wasn't he the one who put down the Maccabees a few hundred years before Jesus showed up. If that is so then why did Jesus say to ''watch for the abomination that Daniel talked about'', as if it were in the future. One and one must equil 2. As well, did not set up an abomination that caused desolation. He cooked porkchops. And there was no 7 year covenant in place at the time. Since the time said Jesus to watch for this event, the event has never taken place. However, Solana is attempting to get a 7 year agreement this year. The temple is ready to build, all of the cattle are ready for steak dinners, the EU is set up with 10 kings ruling the 27 in total, the veri chip is raedy and being carried forward by the us......
CWHJr Junior Member (Idle past 6417 days) Posts: 8 Joined: |
If you will take a close look at Daniel 9;27 you will find that there is no mention of a peace treaty. It is a covenant, or agreement , between many nations. What Solana is working on is an agreement between many nations. There is a lot of bible prophecy being taught that is in gross error, like a treaty, but if you will set your heart on the truth you will see that the bible is indeed unfolding beforte your very eyes. ''Study prophecy as if it were light until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your heart.'' Notice this verse does not say to study what todays teachers are saying about prophecy and its meaning. Study the word to show yourself aproved. You will learn the truth .
CWHJr Junior Member (Idle past 6417 days) Posts: 8 Joined: |
Dear PaulK
Let me get this strait. Do you believe that Jesus is the "only begotten" son of the living God, that he rose from the dead and that he was seen by many then went to be with the Father and is coming back to gather the Christians to himself until it is time for him to return and set up his kingdom on Earth?
CWHJr Junior Member (Idle past 6417 days) Posts: 8 Joined: |
On the contrary
It has everything to do with it. If you don't believe Jesus is Lord then there isn't much chance that you will believe the words he spoke or understand them. You may agree with some of his teaching, that is understandable, but you have no reason to believe the prophecies. PaulK said that Jesus was wrong about Daniel 9. That tells me that he does not except Jesus authority as God's only begotten son. And if this is true then it is usless to argue prophecy with him. There are things hidden in the word that nobody can understand without the Holy Ghost (That would be Jesus Ghost) revealing it to him. So the discussion takes a turn to the right untill he realises Jesus Lordship, at which time scriptures will become light.
CWHJr Junior Member (Idle past 6417 days) Posts: 8 Joined: |
If you do not think it is right to twist the scripture how can you say that Jesus was wrong. You contradict yourself.
CWHJr Junior Member (Idle past 6417 days) Posts: 8 Joined: |
I believe the bible is the word of God. And being the word of God it is a dangerous thing to purposely twist or misinterprit it. However , we are not programmed from birth with the whole knowledge of the scripture. it is a growing prossess. I once believed i was reencarnated until the lord proved me wrong. I once believed that Caesar was the beast from the pit until the Lord proved me wrong. I am growing and you may be able to show me something that will prove me wrong in some area. I hope so. In the mean time i believe that the abomination that causes desolation is yet to come. Why? Simple. Jesus said so. Can you prove Jesus to be wrong?
CWHJr Junior Member (Idle past 6417 days) Posts: 8 Joined: |
You said "But you can test what is written against reality and that shows that so far, all the prophecy crap that has been presented is simply false."
How can you say that given all of the talk on here about the EU? Daniel said the beast would have 10 horns. He said these were 10 kings. The EU has 10 nations who have control over the rest. Their High Representative is in negotiations with all of the nations involved in the middle east peace prossess. He has alraedy declared that it should be a 7 year term on the agreement. The Catholic Church is a perfect match to the prophecy of Babylon the Great in Rev 17. They are dressed in scarlet and purple. they practice many of the heathen rituals as part of Christian doctrine, They pray to the saints which is an act of worship, There are 7 hills where the vatican sits, waters being nations, they sit in control of many waters, Israel has made ready most of the material, if not all, that it will take to rebuild the temple in Israel, They could never find a red heifer but now have a whole herd, all of the harps are ready, they priestly robes, even the training of the levitical priests, that list goes on. They are there to look at. Israel has become the center of attention around the globe. Christ is preached in almost every nation in the world. The US is beginning to fit the discription of the second beast of Rev. Gog and Magog are set in place. Are you telling me you can't see this? There are many Christs and antichrists just as Jesus said there would be. There is an asteroid hit discribed in rev 8. The timing seems in direct match with the one they are watching today. It could be it??? Tell me you see none of this and i will quit wasting my time on this forum.
CWHJr Junior Member (Idle past 6417 days) Posts: 8 Joined: |
The bible is written in a manner that requires study. You have obveously been studiing it. However it also reqires faith. This you seem to be lacking. O I don't mean you don't have faith at all. I mean you don't have faith in the bible. Behaps unbelief is a better word. I don't mean that to rile you. I mean that to challenge your thinking. You have a lot of ugly things to say about christians and prophecy in general. Have you ever wondered why christians believe so dogmattically. I have been a Christian for 19 years now and have had so many experiences with Jesus personally that it is hard for me to understand how someone could not believe his word. But I was there 20 years ago. A friend of mine explained some prophetic scriptures to me and the lights went on. I didn't question what he was telling me. I had no reason not to believe what he was telling me. Well since then i have found that only about half of what he told me was true. However, at the time I believed him and that sponned faith in Jesus and through that faith I was set on a journey that I would not give up for the world. I have felt power pass through my body at the mention of Jesus name. I have seen with my own eyes legs grow 2 inches. I have prayed many times and seen many mericles. I have heard testimony after testimony from god fearing people of amazing things from finding lost pocketknives to whole mounds of earth disappearing over night. Now you have no reason to believe me but I am afraid you are the one at a loss at this point, because you cannot take those experiences away from my memory. Jesus is the son of the living God and he CANNOT lie so the prophecies will come true as he said. You are just missing the key to understanding them. You can argue them all you want, you can all Christians all the weird names you want, but in the end, if you don't wake up to the Lord, you are the one who will be put to shame.
I hope with all my heart that that will not be the case, and that is why Christians persivere and try to explain the prophecies the best they can so you just might see. Now if I haven't totlly ticked you off let me try again. There is an author called Grant Jeffrey who wrote the book Armageddon Appointment with Destiny. In this book he reveals the math that explains Daniel's 70 weeks. He reveals leviticus 26:18 "and if ye will notyet for all this hearken unto me, I will punish you seven times more for your sins." With this scripture he does the calcilation. Each day is counted as a year so each week is 7 years. From 606 bc plus 70 weeks captivity in Babylon = 536 bc. The remaining 360 weeks of years is multiplied by 7 because Israel did not repent of her sin. 360*7=2520 years (2483.8 callendar years) his calculation brings us to may 15 1948, the exact day Israel formed a nation. Although his use of the calendars is in question, his result is quite revealing. He also reveals that Jesus was cusified on the exact day Daniel said the Messiah would be cut off. This should be proof to any Jew that he is their Messiah. From the day that the order to rebuild came in Daniel to the crusifixion was 69 weeks of years to the day. it is to much callculation to list here but it works out. Now if scripture proves Jesus is the Messiah, how could he be wrong about Daniels prophecy. That would make him a liar. God can't lie. Yes there are 27 nations in the EU but there are only 10 that have any veto rights and therefore they control the movement of the EU. Solana HAS declared the agreement he is working on to be a 7 year term. It may not happen but so far it sure looks like it will. That we must wait and see. As for christians not telling of prophetic events before they occur, there was a word given before the twin towers, there was a word given before the tsunami, there was a word given before the New Orleans flood, there were words given before many of the Iraq main events. They were given to the body of believers. You just weren't there Portions OFF TOPIC - Please Do Not Respond to the off topic personal portions of this message or continue in this vein. Stick to furthering the discussion on the topic. Take comments concerning this warning to the Moderation Thread. AdminPD Edited by AdminPD, : Warning
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