jar writes:
Guess what. Constitutions and Amendments to Constitutions do NOT have to be ratified by all members, it depends on their own process requirements.
Here is the problem, if you had watched the video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBw7cjxZ7-A&NR=1 you would have already gotten this, that the EU is changing and passing laws in it's member nations (after the constitution was ratified) that they didn't agree with, that they did not vote on, that they didn't vote for, and that they have no say over.
Supporters in the Netherlands made their final appeal to voters Tuesday,
saying the constitution would streamline decision-making in the union, and create a single foreign minister to give Europe more sway in international affairs.
Congratulations! It's triplets! | The Economist 10/25/2007
Was it worth the pain? If Lisbon has a chance of mattering in 20 years' time, it will have nothing to do with the rows over voting weights or blocking minorities that have dominated recent headlines. Instead, Lisbon may be seen as the moment that Europe finally resolved to live up to its economic heft and become a power on the world stage....Either character could become the figure regarded by the world as “Mr Europe””if they can see off a challenge from an existing big beast of the Brussels jungle, the president of the European Commission....In that case, Lisbon would have spawned not one infant “Mr Europe”, but triplets: an achievement to blot out memories of the treaty's wretched arrival in the world.
Give Europe a say | The Economist
the worst part of the constitution”a sweeping list of misguided good intentions and alleged social rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which is an open invitation for EU judges to meddle. Even if other treaties have transferred more sovereign power to the centre (the acid test when it comes to referendums), this one still does a bit of that. Scrapping national vetoes in at least 50 areas of decision-making may make sense, and matter less than Eurosceptics claim, but it plainly hands more power to Brussels; that is what politicians need to justify, not spin away.
Does that have any bearing on this topic?
Immigration has been a problem Since 1607!
Your quote Jar. If the NAU goes through, just like in the EU there will be no border between the US and Mexico or Canada. We will become a western EU. i.e. the North American Union, with an all new communist government. (also in the above video)