The Talmud is WEAK evidence of Jewish tradition? LOL..... that speaks volumes.
No, you misunderstood me. I was referring to your point in this debate.
That was weak. But, like I said, that is to be expected.
I'd like to point out a couple things for emphasis: 1) Lilith was a late addition. 2) The Talmud does not equal OT scripture, nor is it God's defining word. (Which is irrelevant to you, but relevant to me and my beliefs.) Your point is equivalent to equating the New Testament with the Catechism and sacred traditions of the Catholic church. The Catholic traditions have all sorts of additives that were never a part of the scriptures or of God. I say stick with the scriptures and stick to Jesus Christ. There are no other absolutes.
Just a side note: The example above about the Catholic church was merely pointed out as an example. I didn't intend it to be an attack of any kind.
Maybe you don't realize that Jewish tradition is vastely wider than the OT?
Which is why Jesus challenged the pharisees...
Guess that is weak....
As well as most of secular academia these days.
'fraid so. Or perhaps both stem from a parent myth. It seems most likely that the chain of descent went something like Sumerian, Babylonian and then Isrealite. Of course there is bound to have been influence from the many other tribes preaching very similar mythology.
I admit, this is a fascinating theory among the "comparitive religion" types, but it's not what I believe. Just seems to me that secular education is trying to redefine history to fit their equation.
This is a bad thing?
How? ... the same reasons you are certain that 'all those other mythologies' are mythologies. If it were anything but the Bible, there would be no question.
Ok, that sounds reasonable. However, one can examine some of the common traits of actual "myths" and then compare them with the accounts from biblical scripture and notice several differences. Sad to see that it's all been blended together by the intellectual majority.
EDIT: Fixed some spelling and added a side note.
What is intelligence without wisdom?
[This message has been edited by Satcomm, 03-11-2003]