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Author Topic:   The Bible has no contradictions
Inactive Member

Message 2 of 221 (33747)
03-06-2003 10:09 AM

adam and eve being the first two people on earth...
if thats the case....when cain dwelled in the land of nod...where did his wife come from...
i know your answer...but i want to here it anyway...

Inactive Member

Message 9 of 221 (33777)
03-06-2003 3:06 PM

like i said..i know your by you logic...he could have had sex with eve..if he wanted to..
tell me..what ever happened to adam's first wife?
[This message has been edited by ME2, 03-06-2003]

Inactive Member

Message 10 of 221 (33779)
03-06-2003 3:18 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by Conspirator
03-06-2003 10:04 AM

"Behold, You have put me forth this day upon the faces of the ground; and from Your faces shall I be hidden; and I shall be shaken and wandering in the earth; and it shall become, (that) all finding me shall kill me."
And god said to him, "Therefore, any killing Cain shall suffer vengeance seven(fold)." And god set a sign upon Cain, that all finding him may not kill him.
i'm curious....if there are only 3 people left...cain.adam,and eve
why talk as if there are others....
and please...don't say that it pertains to his brothers and sisters....they weren't born yet....and how would they know what the mark stood for...
explain would anyone know what that mark on cain stood would be the same as you having a mark on you...i wouldn't know if it was a birth mark or scar....and don't say devine influence because his family were not scribes..hence they could not interpret god's least that what you thumpers say...

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 Message 1 by Conspirator, posted 03-06-2003 10:04 AM Conspirator has not replied

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 Message 168 by III, posted 02-11-2011 5:00 AM ME2 has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 13 of 221 (33787)
03-06-2003 4:26 PM
Reply to: Message 12 by Brian
03-06-2003 4:12 PM

you are kinda touching on what i and others are saying...
the bible says that adam and eve were the first two people on earth...this is simple plain's not veague or dose it contain any ambiguity...but the bible as you stated was not clear on where cain's wife came from...but yet to fill in the holes...christians infer that his wife was his kin folk...even though the bible did not and dose not say this...
in it's self they prove the point that people interpret and see the bible in different ways..
also...the bible dose not speak of adam and eve as having sex untile they were kicked out of the garden...and when the bible dose mention is the birth of able;then cain...
so if god said be fruitful and mulitply how was this possible in the garden of eden.....if they were having sex...why dosen't the bible mention it dose when they are expelled...

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 Message 12 by Brian, posted 03-06-2003 4:12 PM Brian has not replied

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 Message 132 by fletch, posted 12-23-2010 4:48 PM ME2 has not replied
 Message 169 by III, posted 02-11-2011 5:58 AM ME2 has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 14 of 221 (33788)
03-06-2003 4:50 PM

here is the book of genesis is order of verses
001:026 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over
all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
upon the earth.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness:...."""OUR"""" hmmmmm meaning more that one
i'll get back to this
001:027 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
001:028 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the
air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth ""REPLENISH""" hmmmi'll have to get back at this also
002:005 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and
every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had
not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man
to till the ground.
and there was not a man to till the ground....wasn't there adam?
002:007 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became
a living soul
were there two creations of man? verse 001:027...god created adam...and here in verse 002:007 he creates man again...
i'll get to that other stuff later....but why the two creations of man....
if you are going to take the bible word for it in all cases..
what was that arrogant remark you was it..i know you want to post...or something to that effect...
look hard and can't wiggle out of this...there are no missing or added verses..they are here and in order...
[This message has been edited by ME2, 03-06-2003]

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 Message 15 by funkmasterfreaky, posted 03-06-2003 6:44 PM ME2 has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 21 of 221 (33867)
03-07-2003 2:00 PM

i've noticed a trend in the people that creat these threads....on another board...a thread similar to this was created daring any non-believes to point out contradictions in the bible...and i've notice that these christians will answer any question that is vauge and contains ambiguity...and gives the a way out....but when faced with questions that don't contain any of that like the ones i posted...they tend to over look them or act as if they are not being addressed to them..
i just thought i would point this fact out..the thread starter was chomping at the bit to shoot down our posts of contradictions ....well i posted text of the book in chrono.order that clearly show two creations of man....and since he posed the challenge i expect an scratch that...i don't...
he didn't answer it b\c he like the others can't..
they will talk of the KJV of the bible but not about adam's first wife..
this thread is just like the others..
i'm done..

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 Message 23 by funkmasterfreaky, posted 03-07-2003 3:06 PM ME2 has replied

Inactive Member

Message 26 of 221 (33880)
03-07-2003 5:01 PM
Reply to: Message 23 by funkmasterfreaky
03-07-2003 3:06 PM

it's not a matter of giving's a matter of people creating threads like this and daring you to challenge them and as long as you post easy question that they can wiggle out of and around (i see them all do it) they will respond to for post...if you take note...he answered me right off the bat...why..b\c ver 5 gave him a way well as others post did..but as mine got harder he became invisable..he even showed arrogance with that "next" comment...
my take on the bible is this......there is nothing new under the sun...the same type of people that you have today had back then...with all of the faults that we have...this is clearly seen and displayed in cain and his action twoard able....lets see:
lust (he took a wife..didn't he)
just to name a few...
if they are going to take this stance...then maybe they shouldn't try and defend a book that his hard to defend...
on one hand they will except carbon 14 dating to prove the age of the shroud of turin..with all of it's faults....but won't except the same method that proves the exsitance of people before adam and eve...

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 Message 23 by funkmasterfreaky, posted 03-07-2003 3:06 PM funkmasterfreaky has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 38 of 221 (34057)
03-10-2003 1:53 PM

a few points
1. clam down
2. you didn't answer of why the two creations of "MAN"...WHAT YOU ANSWERD WAS ABOUT THE ANIMALS..there is a difference.. don't tell me where i do and don't belong...
i'm not a keyboard bad azzz so i don't waste time on threats i can't back up...
so just do me that one little favor...keep my parents out of your mouth....
[This message has been edited by ME2, 03-10-2003]

Inactive Member

Message 39 of 221 (34058)
03-10-2003 2:16 PM get back to some intelligence....
funkmaster freaky..
lilith is mentioned as being adams first wife in the KJV of the bible.i have heard people use passages from the booke to prove a point of their...and that cool...but my sticking point is that the KJV is shun and disreguarded by these same people when it come to the adam and eve issue..
it is a common thread betwwen most of the christians that i have ran into on the bbs and in person to take the bible word for word in one instance...but in instances that show inconsistances..they will not take it word for word..
it all comes down to using it to fit you purpose...
these same people will teach the kids about the caveman and dinosaur (which existed millions of years ago) but tell them that adam and eve were the first two "humans" on earth...a event that only goes back a few thousand
this period of the caveman and dinosuar was either before adam and eve or before noah..
it doesn't add up.....dose it...

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 Message 40 by Karl, posted 03-10-2003 3:55 PM ME2 has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 41 of 221 (34074)
03-10-2003 4:58 PM

for now..i have to stand in error....but i remember reading that...maybe i got something crossed...i will have to retrace my steps...
but for now're right...

Inactive Member

Message 46 of 221 (34130)
03-11-2003 2:16 PM

What qualities do the Biblical accounts possess that differentiates them from the myths of other cultures? These would have to be differences that somehow indicate that the events of the Bible actually happened and that those of other myths are fictional.
greek mythology follows the bible myth closely...our eve picking the apple from the forbidden tree and making us aware of pain,hate , their pandora opening the box and letting these same feelings and emotions out...i would point out that when pandora got the box closed ,it was only one thing left in it and that was "HOPE"
now here in where i see the biggest diff. in the greek you had a god for,water,harvest,etc....lets say for example you had a bad crop...well you must have done something to anger that god..
in's only one god for everything and if something goes wrong then it is his will.
in greek the gods made you responsible for your actions..meaningthat if you disrespected them or didn't pay homage to them...they made you pay.
in bare no responsibility..god is a forgiven god.even if you don't pay homage or worship him..
[This message has been edited by ME2, 03-11-2003]

Inactive Member

Message 57 of 221 (34214)
03-12-2003 3:36 PM
Reply to: Message 56 by Conspirator
03-12-2003 1:41 PM

Humans = animals. are going to have to explain this one to me and show me where the bible it has classified them as such... said man and animal...if this was the case...why hae two classifications
here..check this out
001:021 And God created great whales, and every living creature that
moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their
kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that
it was good.
001:022 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the
001:023 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
001:024 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature
after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the
earth after his kind: and it was so.
001:025 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle
after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth
after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
001:026 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over
all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth
upon the earth.
001:027 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
man and animal are not the same...vague interpretation won't work you will have to explain.
this clearly shows two diff.creations from god..

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 Message 56 by Conspirator, posted 03-12-2003 1:41 PM Conspirator has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 65 of 221 (34280)
03-13-2003 10:29 AM
Reply to: Message 59 by Conspirator
03-12-2003 5:45 PM

ok...even though you are twisting words and ignoring simple and plain written text...i'll go you way...
now it is your stance that man and animals were created at the same time and they are the samething...even though the bible clearly lays out in order that the whale,fowl,etc...was created first..
(which by your actions is showing contradictions in the bible) take this stance for the fact that a mammal is anything that nourish their young with milk secreted by their breasts glands and have skin covered with humans..
ok still have a problem because not every animal nurse their young this way...
quick examples...egg laying fowls..lizards...etc..
and since god created evreything that crawled ,slithered,swim,and flew before he created man...
you are still left with two seperate creations of god...
sorry...but man and animals are not the same
ME2, the Bible may not define humans as animals, but WE do. Here: we = mammals and mammals = animals. Mammals are animals so WE are animals.
we=mammals...ok..."we" are..
mammals=animals...yes..but not all types...some lay eggs.
WE are your don't lay eggs and only female nurse their young..
the problem is that you are using blanket terms to prove you stance and like with all blanket statements...they have many holes and flaws..
as i just pointed out.

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 Message 59 by Conspirator, posted 03-12-2003 5:45 PM Conspirator has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 69 of 221 (34297)
03-13-2003 12:51 PM
Reply to: Message 68 by Conspirator
03-13-2003 11:00 AM

what you are doing is using words in the literal sense of words...ok..lets play your game..
animal..which means any living single cell or complex celled organizism...on this is what you base your point that we are all animals and that we were all created at the same time...meaning one occurance of creation..
well first off..this is wrong...there were several times that ANIMALS were created..
001:021 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth,and every winged fowl after his kind
001:023 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
001:024 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature
after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the
earth after his kind: and it was so.
001:025 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind
001:026 And God said, Let us make man in our image
001:031 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was
very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
002:001 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host
of them.
002:002 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made;
and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he
had made.
so lets play you word game..
kind..meaning a group united by common traits or interests...we are not like the fowl or the whale,etc...and if that the case...why did the bible go thur all of that explaining..if we are the same..
creature..meaning a lower a farm animal...tell you eat from a pigs
beast..meaning a four-footed mammal as distinguished from a human being...tell me...are you a cow,horse,or hog...which is it..
ok..get the point...
the bible went through the process distinguishing the different kinds of creation because it is simply that...a diffent kind of creation..
under your blanket term ANIMAL yeah...we all fall into that pot..but take note..this is your interpretation of it and it's wrong...
in you follow the order of operation when solving a problem
when you start from 1 or the number you follow the sequencial order of counting..
well the book of genesis was written in a sequencial order of events and creation...and if you follow them (which you don't want to) will see that whales,cattle fowls,etc..was created of the 5TH DAY..
man and MORE animals were created on the 6THDAY... me..1+1 =2...meaning two diff.days....not one...and not the same 'KIND' of creations..
either the book of genesis is wrong or you are...which is it
[This message has been edited by ME2, 03-13-2003]

This message is a reply to:
 Message 68 by Conspirator, posted 03-13-2003 11:00 AM Conspirator has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 74 of 221 (34389)
03-14-2003 3:58 PM

do you have any shame?
i'm at a lost from your lame word games and interpretations..
i'm gonna stop for a moment so you can answer post #51
b\c you seem to be avoiding him/her..
once there any shame in you that says...
man...i'm full of it....
So he goes and makes evening and morning.
and you are forgeting something...god already has created day and night.. so the days are already changing...which means that it's the fifth day...not the same day...
heres proof..
001:005 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called
Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
take note..."first there is an sequencial order for the days
and if thats the can discount the 7th day...since it's all one day...
and lets be real....your replies are not realy explaing anything....
if there is a is with you not being able to prove your interpretations...
they are becomming increasingly lame,weak,and baseless...
in one instance you are taking words in the literal sence when they fit your purpose and disguard them when they don't...
look up the word cearture in webster's is the same dictionary you used to define animal and mammal in order to prove your point...
well i used the same by right you have to except my meaning..also...
[This message has been edited by ME2, 03-14-2003]
[This message has been edited by ME2, 03-14-2003]

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