Which Version of the Bible is the Word of God?
I say the most vindicated one is the most credible. Humanity has a big problem with Christianity and Islam: both are contradictory, in their most core doctrines as well as the same space-time in history they refer to. Both these non-original replacement theologies cannot possibly be equally right. One is 100% wrong, false and bad. It matters not which one: if the Gospels is seen as wrong, then Islam falls in the same stroke - because the Quran condones part of the Gospels.
The next criteria would have to be whose laws are accepted and active today. Here, the Hebrew bible triumphs hands down: all its 613 laws are active and accepted by most of the world's institutions, while we find no laws accepted from the Gospels and Quran in any bona fide world institutions. In fact, those scriptures contain no laws whatsoever, and rely only on names.
The other criterias of science, math, history also favour the Hebrew bible - its positations have never been overturned successfully; it has great maths with millions of numbers within its verses, without a single error. Its geopgraphy is also amazing, listing the first recording of mount Ararat and mount Nebo in their correct locations. Philosophically, there is no greater premise than Monotheism. Its laws turn the world today. Not bad!