prophecy, and there are many very accurate prophecies that have come true. And the writers of prophecy even admitted they did not know what they were writing. eg. Daniel's writings show that he had no idea what the 'wild beast' prophecies were about.
There is no evidence as to when or by who such prophesies were written not any evidence the the supposed prophesies were in fact fulfilled.
The truthfulness of the writers - they spoke openly about their own sins and their failings. Even Moses was punished by God and forbidden to see the promised land. Do you really think that if he was creating a new religion he would tell everyone how his God punished him? Leaders of nations dont usually do that.
We do not know who actually wrote these passages therefore we do not know whether what was said by whomever was really stated.
Laws - laws that man cannot enforce such as 'covetousness'- Its one of the 10 commandments, 'thou shalt not desire anything of your fellowmans' . Do you really believe that a man would invent a law that in unenforceable? And how could anyone know if someone was coveting their fellow mans possesions? How could a person be judged on such a law?
The 10 commandments weren't the first set of laws. There are other similar codes throughout the Mesopotamian/Canaanite areas. The So-called "Law," was set down by Levite Priests in the book of Leviticus. Whether this is even correct is subject to speculation.
There is no better love between 2 people than mutual respect for each other WT Young, 2002
Who gave anyone the authority to call me an authority on anything. WT Young, 1969