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Message 1 of 17 (9378)
05-08-2002 3:00 PM

I was wondering has anyone challanged the historical accuracy of the bible? Or used it inaccuracies or the biases of the authers to discredit the source of creationism? I am not scientific, and while I can grasp the theories from both sides the major flaw I always come back to is that creationism is rooted in a document that was put together by a group of people who's main goal was to further a religion.
Documents from the time of Christ that could set the record straight are no longer around. Stored in the Library of Alexandria an early christian destroyed it. The only document we have(the Dead Seas Scrolls) are under Vatican control. The few pieces that were translated by 3rd parties forced Vatican II, and now the rest of the scrolls are under lock and key. The only people able to see them are Vatican puppets, who pick and choose the translations.
The Pentateuch has wild speculation about its origins, from Moses being the author, to having four seperate authers. Unforunatly there has been no archeological evidence found to support the Conservative views of the bible(If I am wrong please correct me, I am going on what I have read over the past few years). Has there been any archeoligical evidence that coraberates the biblical record? All I know about is the historical blunders the catholic church has made throught the ages that contradict the teachings of the bible(which as a sacred text teaching a way of life is flawless). And that the nature of god from Genisis to Revelations changes a few times which seems to show a human interpritation that cannot be ignored. What I do know is that the people who say the bible is a literal history of man and the world are the same people who decided to kill Jews(The 1st of God's chosen people) send children into slavery during the crusades, and back Hitler and the Nazi's. The Bible was written by man, for man, to explain man's place in the universe. Can someone dispell my notions of corruptions about its authers and those that hold it as a history book, perhaps then I can be shown the truth about creationism.

Replies to this message:
 Message 2 by Brad McFall, posted 05-21-2002 12:14 PM RedVento has not replied
 Message 3 by KingPenguin, posted 05-22-2002 10:34 PM RedVento has not replied
 Message 5 by PeterW, posted 05-23-2002 11:52 AM RedVento has not replied
 Message 16 by Tranquility Base, posted 08-22-2002 9:52 PM RedVento has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 12 of 17 (15916)
08-22-2002 10:04 AM
Reply to: Message 11 by John
08-22-2002 9:00 AM

In NY there are also the Reagent exams, failing them does not bar you from graduation, just graduating with a Reagent's diploma. In fact because the US has become so politically correct it is quite hard to keep a stupid child down. I have a friend that is a teacher in the NYC public school system who tells me how her curriculum is standardized, and how she pretty much has to pass all her students by whatever means necessary, even at the expense of boring the smart kids to death. Plus the fact the fact that she is a teacher is almost criminal.. she, herself, is only marginally above "specially abled" herself. I have faith that the liberals in this country in an effort to help us all out(since they obviously know more than any of us) will wind up getting creationism taught in schools.

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 Message 11 by John, posted 08-22-2002 9:00 AM John has not replied

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