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Author Topic:   Genesis 1 and 2 - Contradictory?
Inactive Member

Message 16 of 40 (36219)
04-03-2003 3:45 PM
Reply to: Message 15 by Mister Pamboli
04-03-2003 3:02 PM

yes we are...
it was just some excess baggage that i see now that i have for other posters (not on this board) that have came up with some wild explanations to explain away these contradictons..
some that would make even jesus do a double take..
and i have to admit..i was over taken by tunnel vision..and all i saw was "bible" and contradictions" and something snapped..
but it nice to see you kept a level head and just waited for the light to come on
and it did...and didn't i feel foolish in having miss-read your post..

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 Message 15 by Mister Pamboli, posted 04-03-2003 3:02 PM Mister Pamboli has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 17 of 40 (36257)
04-04-2003 10:01 AM

Maybe instead of being all hostile to a person just because of a stupid topic or subject that you seem to take offense to just about every time a person talks to you about the "Bible" (oops, there's the forbidden word again!) and contradictions (oops, there's the other one!), perhaps you'd like to at least be open-minded to the fact that some contradictions can be explained instead of resorting to your hostile attitude toward others and your seeming hatred of the said subject in a discussion. Thank you.

Replies to this message:
 Message 18 by ME2, posted 04-04-2003 10:30 AM Conspirator has not replied
 Message 19 by ME2, posted 04-04-2003 10:30 AM Conspirator has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 18 of 40 (36262)
04-04-2003 10:30 AM
Reply to: Message 17 by Conspirator
04-04-2003 10:01 AM

excuse me...but can you point out my hostility?
because i don't believe i was...
so do me an favor and point to the parts of my post that are hostile..
i feel that if you post an topic of make and statement saying that the bible has no contradictions..well you have to expect someone to disagree with you..
isn't this how these boards work...?
you did exactly created and thread stating just what i said..and was arrogant and evasive to all that responded to you...
but forget all of that...
please show me where i'm showing "hate" and "hostility"
i simple mis-read his post and respond to what i thought he was saying...and when i found out that i was wrong...i apologized
an in terms of being open minded...i am..but it is you christians that are not...
are some of you so "thin skined" that any objection to your post is looked upon as being hostile and closed minded?

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 Message 17 by Conspirator, posted 04-04-2003 10:01 AM Conspirator has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 19 of 40 (36263)
04-04-2003 10:30 AM
Reply to: Message 17 by Conspirator
04-04-2003 10:01 AM

[This message has been edited by ME2, 04-04-2003]

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 Message 17 by Conspirator, posted 04-04-2003 10:01 AM Conspirator has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 20 of 40 (36271)
04-04-2003 12:14 PM

excuse me...but can you point out my hostility?
You mean like whenever a Bible topic comes up you just *have* to have a negative attitude toward the Christian people that post in it and that try to help in your understanding of understanding the Bible better and you pretty much *always* think that you're right? And not to mention the fact that you blamed me for acting arrogant when I don't believe I was until you started whining about Genesis 1 and 2.
i feel that if you post an topic of make and statement saying that the bible has no contradictions..well you have to expect someone to disagree with you..
You can disagree without being a jerk which is what you did to me for what 30 posts? And duh, of course people are going to disagree with me. DUH!
an in terms of being open minded...i am..but it is you christians that are not...
Yeah, because we all know that everyone who disagrees with you is close-minded because that's the way you see things so it must be right! And please explain to me how "us christians" are being close-minded. Or did you mean to imply that I was the only one that is close-minded?
are some of you so "thin skined" that any objection to your post is looked upon as being hostile and closed minded?
Are some of you so "ignorant" that you can't see the effects of your actions to other people? And no, I don't see every objection that way. Just the ones that present an extremely negative attitude toward a fellow Christian. Wouldn't you try to stand up for someone that is in your race/religion/team?

Replies to this message:
 Message 21 by ME2, posted 04-04-2003 1:02 PM Conspirator has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 21 of 40 (36280)
04-04-2003 1:02 PM
Reply to: Message 20 by Conspirator
04-04-2003 12:14 PM

1.i asked you to show me...not give me your opinion.. are in no position to enlighten me or give me any understanding of the bible can't even defend your own save it. are insulting and condesending....why must you resort to name calling and characterization..
4. if you can't do that..then don't talk to me at all..even thought i haven gotten ignorant...doesn't mean i can't...i just choose not to..
you seem to be the one that is angry and hostile...look at you last post..
your actions don't seem christian to me...but neither did the actions of jesus...he was a name caller and a liar also..

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 Message 20 by Conspirator, posted 04-04-2003 12:14 PM Conspirator has not replied

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 22 of 40 (36285)
04-04-2003 1:43 PM

Could we reduce the level of the rhetoric and resume a more objective focus please? Thanks!
--EvC Forum Administrator

Inactive Member

Message 23 of 40 (36291)
04-04-2003 3:14 PM

yes...i will...but i will not be insulted or called ignorant too many more times for no reason...then i will get ignorant...

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 24 of 40 (36296)
04-04-2003 4:55 PM

Allow me to provide an example of what I'd like to see:
Opponent writes:
Perhaps you could be open-minded instead of being hostile to new ideas.
I did not mean to convey an impression of hostility. I try to keep an open mind toward new ideas as long as they have some solid support. What I was actually trying to say was that your proposals don't yet appear to fit this category because <...explanation or reference to previous explanation here...>
Exchanges of the form "You're being hostile," "No, you are" are not acceptable they're personal comments, and because they're off-topic. Just stay on topic, if someone's getting out of line board administration will catch up with it. If you feel board administration is being slow then send email to Admin.
--EvC Forum Administrator

Replies to this message:
 Message 25 by ME2, posted 04-04-2003 6:37 PM Admin has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 25 of 40 (36303)
04-04-2003 6:37 PM
Reply to: Message 24 by Admin
04-04-2003 4:55 PM

thanks for your example..and i have no problem complying..
but please keep in mind..i'm an adult..just as everyone else here is..
i sholudn't have to wait for admin to read thru evry post an this board to see who is being insulted...
like i said..i have no problem with your rules..but i've been grown too long to wait for you to tell someone else to be nice or respectful to me..
i had to tell this same person to keep my parents out of his mouth (they're dead)...i saw no stepping in on the part of admin...
and now i had to tell this same stop insulting me...
i won't be called ignorant too many more times...

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 Message 24 by Admin, posted 04-04-2003 4:55 PM Admin has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 26 of 40 (36312)
04-04-2003 9:07 PM

Considering the age of the texts of Genesis one and two, imo, we need to cut some slack. Some of the same folks who will recognize pseudohuman primates concocted from a tooth or jawbone insist on nitpicking a few ambiguous statements in this ancient document to pieces.

Replies to this message:
 Message 27 by Andya Primanda, posted 04-04-2003 9:34 PM Buzsaw has not replied
 Message 28 by NosyNed, posted 04-05-2003 1:24 AM Buzsaw has not replied
 Message 29 by John, posted 04-05-2003 11:11 AM Buzsaw has not replied

Andya Primanda
Inactive Member

Message 27 of 40 (36314)
04-04-2003 9:34 PM
Reply to: Message 26 by Buzsaw
04-04-2003 9:07 PM

xcuse me?
Considering the age of the texts of Genesis one and two, imo, we need to cut some slack. Some of the same folks who will recognize pseudohuman primates concocted from a tooth or jawbone insist on nitpicking a few ambiguous statements in this ancient document to pieces.
Off topic, (start new thread in Human Origins?) Mr Buzsaw, you do know that some prehistoric humans are not just jawbones but complete skulls and near-complete skeletons, at the right ages?

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 Message 26 by Buzsaw, posted 04-04-2003 9:07 PM Buzsaw has not replied

Posts: 9012
From: Canada
Joined: 04-04-2003

Message 28 of 40 (36324)
04-05-2003 1:24 AM
Reply to: Message 26 by Buzsaw
04-04-2003 9:07 PM

Cut some slack?
Considering the age of the texts of Genesis one and two, imo, we need to cut some slack.
But isn't this is the whole and complete source for all of the biology, physics, geogology, astronomy etc for the creation scientist? Are you suggesting that it is to be taken losely or only roughly? Doesn't that rather pull the foundations out from under all the claims being made about how we know that modern science is wrong because it contradicts God's word?

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 Message 26 by Buzsaw, posted 04-04-2003 9:07 PM Buzsaw has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 29 of 40 (36333)
04-05-2003 11:11 AM
Reply to: Message 26 by Buzsaw
04-04-2003 9:07 PM

I agree with Nosymed.
You can't have it both ways. The Bible cannot be both THE final word and also not-quite-right.
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 Message 26 by Buzsaw, posted 04-04-2003 9:07 PM Buzsaw has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 30 of 40 (36355)
04-05-2003 10:13 PM

He said He made everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Thats it.
Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day.

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