Originally posted by halcyonwaters:
RedVento, did your post have a purpose? Can you support anything you've said? It looks like it's a bunch of baseless babble. You can believe whatever you want... but to me, you're saying "The sky is purple." Is there some reason I should listen to you? Are you an authority on the matter? I'll try and mirror your post, so you can see what I'm saying.
I would propose that your rejection of the bible is because of your own deceitfulnes. If the Bible is the word of God, then there is an ultimate authority. If there is an ultimate authority, we have moral absolutes, right, and wrong. I would say that your blind, and a slave to sin -- and in your own arrogance, you've decided that you don't want to be responsible to anyone but yourself. You wish to be your own God. Even though you are a prisoner, you feel you have freedom. You see the Bible as a threat to this freedom, so you make assertions in which you could never possibly support. Such as "The bible isn't the word of God," or "The Universe is Big, therefore we are meaningless," or "the only reason religion exists is to create meaning," or "The bible is more than it ever intended to be." By convincing yourself that you have good cause to ignore Bible, you feel you have an excuse just incase the Bible IS the Word of God.
Actually the bible is the word of man, used to interpret god, written by man, for man. Whether it is God's work is highly debatable, where you see meaning and devine inspiration I see a moral code, and nothing more. As the origins of religion what I said holds true. Myths were born from a necessity to answer questions about the world(the sun and moon are gods that chase each other across the sky) and as a way to unite people. Judeism is sprung up the same way.
I reject the bible as the word of god, as a moral code it is fine. I reject organized religions that use the word of god to perform attrocious acts(children's crusade anyone?) I reject religions that are so self important that they feel they can decide what is right and wrong for the rest of us(sex is evil, dancing is evil, music is evil) Organized religion is nothing more than a political powerbase that uses God as a scape goat. I AM responsible to myself, along with being responsible to society. If we take Genisis into account then I am made in God's image, and regardless of initial sin(which was a setup from the beginning, and taken from previous myths definetly NOT an original jewish idea), I am ultimatly responsible to those around me. We are ALL made in his image, responsible to each other. That is the meaning I take from the bible, and why as a moral code the bible is priceless. We are all "gods" on earth, judged by all those around us, saved by our own actions, responsible to ourselves and others. That is what I am saying.