I also understand that the Catholic church was the dominate if not the only Christian church for centuries.
Dominate, particularly in the West, simply due to the expansion and extent of Rome's influence, but never the only Christian Church. And yes, over time the Roman Catholic Canon has evolved.
This forum is called Bible: Accuracy and Inerrancy. While we are glad you dropped in when you make assertions such as "Shalom, to all the bible is the word of Yahweh Elohim it has been written by men inspired of Elohim lead by the Holy Spirit." or "This was done during the forty days and forty nights Moses spent in Mt.Sinai, Moses is shown the pattern of the universe this three fold tabernacle pattern of creation everything that is phyiscal as well as spiritual is constructed and conforrms to the pattern." you will be expected to provide verifiable evidence in support.
The rest of your post seems unrelated to the topic and so pretty much irrelvant and unimportant.
Just remember that the Bible cannot verify the Bible.
To support that God dictated material to Moshe you would first need to show that God exists, that Moshe existed and that the event in fact happened. To show some pattern of the universe you will need to provide the actual extra-Biblical material that will support your position.