If the Bible was solely written by men, without any divine inspiration, I guess all the atheists can now rely on the Bible as a reliable historical account!
After all, atheists do rely on Arrian's account of Alexander's campaigns, do they not? Yet the burial grounds of Alexander cannnot be found, and even when such a historian lived approximately 3 centuries after the events happened, never has such faith been exercised by atheists regarding these accounts.
On that note, let us not forget that the Bible is simply a compilation of records from many different authors, just like there are compilations of records from many different authors of the campaigns of Alexander, and this is how we know it to be true.
Interestingly, however, all the authors of the Biblical compilation seem to harmonize with one another incredibly well compared to the surmounting disharmony that existed with many historical accounts of the Greek and Persian wars.
Edited by Lysimachus, : No reason given.
Edited by Lysimachus, : No reason given.