This is the question Moses asked of God, what is your source of power, how come you know about Abraham being my forefather, when he lived 400 years before and in another land than Egypt: IOW, God was telling Moses of transcending both time and space.
Ok...small question. So this "God" came to Moses and told him about a guy named Abraham living far away from Egypt. How did Moses know this God character was giving him a true genealogy? Did he just accept this God character's word? What did he have to test it against? How is that evidence of "transcending time and space?"
If Moses didn't know his own history before "God" told him then what did he have to compare it to? How did Moses know it was accurate?
I mean, I can make up 1000 years of my family history no problem. I can even make up names (I'm kinda clever like that). All I have to know to make it credible is a general outline of my people's history. I can make up all kinds of shit as long as it fits into accepted history (or maybe not even that much if I come from "peasant stock"). It doesn't have to be that plausible come it had to be plausible 3,000 years ago? And how come you accept it as history now? Do you know your ancestors from 1000 years ago? Couldn't you make it up and make it fit into history? Names and all? And if you want to make it interesting for the kids you have to throw in a few wrenches (like my own ancestor who abdicated his place in line for the Swiss throne to marry an Italian "less than noble" woman and they emigrated to America only to hit an iceberg, be rescued and lose almost everything they had in Nova Scotia and then were sent to New York nearly penniless...see, it's supposedly true and I even have birth/death records to support my story). Outlandish and exciting tales make for good campfire fodder. That doesn't mean everything is true or any of it.
Even if "God Himself" told me my missing family history today, how would I know if it is true? I, like Moses, have nothing to compare it to. You and I are hearing this "genealogy" 100th hand and you just accept it as true because names are given? Talk about gullible.
"You are metaphysicians. You can prove anything by metaphysics; and having done so, every metaphysician can prove every other metaphysician wrong--to his own satisfaction. You are anarchists in the realm of thought. And you are mad cosmos-makers. Each of you dwells in a cosmos of his own making, created out of his own fancies and desires. You do not know the real world in which you live, and your thinking has no place in the real world except in so far as it is phenomena of mental aberration." -
The Iron Heel by Jack London
"Hazards exist that are not marked" - some bar in Chelsea