Shalom, to all the bible is the word of Yahweh Elohim it has been written by men inspired of Elohim lead by the Holy Spirit.The first five books of the bible are known as Torah which was written by Moses.This was done during the forty days and forty nights Moses spent in Mt.Sinai, Moses is shown the pattern of the universe this three fold tabernacle pattern of creation everything that is phyiscal as well as spiritual is constructed and conforrms to the pattern.Moses forty days and forty nights stay in the mount with Yahweh creation of man is reviled to him before the fall and sin enters the world. [Gen:1-27] Upon Moses second trip atop the Mount after breaking the first two tables of stone upon which the comandments were writen with the finger of Yahweh[Ex:31-18].Moses is told to cut two more tables of stone like the first,Yahweh states that he wrote upon these second tables the words that he worte on the first which Moses broke.[Ex 34:1]
It is with in this second trip atop Mt.Sinai that Moses is shown the fall and this is why it seems in Genesis to be two creations,Moses is given more insight and thus[ Genesis 2:7] is were Yahweh gives Moses his second vision.
Shalom,Iam new to this site I use the hebrew names for the creator[Yahweh] for the son I use[Yesuha] I like to study the bible share info I would like to take this time to say Sahlom to everyone.
Edited by SAMBEE, : No reason given.