I believe nothing in this universe can happen without the consent of God, even what we consider to be bad things. God has consented in the creation of books including the christian collection of scriptures that has come to be called Bible.
So in that very limited sense, the christian Bible is a collection of words of God.
But so is Mein Kampf written by Herr Hitler.
There can be no doubt that the texts of the christian scriptures we now call Bible were written by men. No angel or spirit can hold a pen and write things down, I think one should not use irrational arguments to prove something or make a point. So the christian Bible, like any other collection of religious or non-religious scriptures, is a collection of words by men also.
More interesting though is the question whether God wants the christian Bible to be read, whether He is happy with its contents. What does God wish us to become and how does this relate to the scriptures in the so-called christian Bible.
I believe God wants to draw us closer to Him, that He wishes us to be liberated from all our limitations and return to our origins in Him (sometimes called the "Kingdom or Rule of God"). That's all he want from us, nothing else, He wants that we should realize our origin and return to God Himself.
Many spiritually more or less realized persons have made contributions to the scriptures that were included in the so-called christian Bible, one of whom was Jezus.
Many of those contributors were much less or not at all spiritually realized persons and have (especially in the christian section) added poor or even malicious texts or have spoilt spiritually valuable texts for their own poor or petty aims.
That's why I would say that the Bible as a whole is not a very spiritually elevating collection of texts and you have to be very carefull which texts or parts of texts you study or ignore.
If you want to know the teachings of Lord Jesus, it is best to study a proper reconstruction of what He really said. That is much better than reading texts that were sanctioned by an institution that Lord Jesus would most certainly condemn for having taken a wrong and ignorant direction.
Edited by dogmanomore, : No reason given.