dwise1 writes:
that translation requires that the translator perform an act of interpretion, fallible human interpretation. That, in addition to the inherent problem the target language cannot always express exactly the same ideas as the original or that the translation may introduce new ideas through the target language drawing distinctions that do not exist in the original or through associations that exist in the target but not in the original. And on top of that, we have each individual's own act of interpreting the translator's acts of interpretation. True, an individual reading the original would also be performing a fallible act of interpretation, but at least that would eliminate the compounded errors introduced by layers of intermediate translation
I don't think i could have said it better
dwise1 writes:
Interestingly and mind-bogglingly, I have encountered those who believe that the King James Version is the only correct Bible and that it is superior even to the original. I'm serious. That is exactly what people have told me to my face and they remained adamant about it.
wow.. I know people like that..
dwise1 writes:
Which raise the question: What "original language" are you referring to? Are you talking about a human language there? Or more specifically, assuming the existence of "The original [which] is the true word of God handed down to man", in what language was it, in what form was it, and in what manner was it handed down?
Once again .. well put
dwise1 writes:
Or did you mean that "original language" to have been Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic?
dwise1 writes:
However, now we have the problem of determining just exactly what that original text was. There is no one version. We have found many manuscripts of New Testament verses, but they differ from each other. Which one is "The original"?
Yes! This is what I am talking about!!! That is one of the most controversial important question, in my opinion, in the field of Hermeneutics.
dwise1 writes:
BTW, what is "IIX"? That goes against the conventions of Roman numerals. Are you trying to write "VIII"? If you are trying to make a statement by using an unconventional notation, then what is it?
wow.. i was realy coffee deprived when i did that.. lol.. indeed I ment VIII...LOL!!!
Agent antiLIE of the AGDT
7x153=1071 [ IIX:XXIV]
I klinamaksa exei afypnistei