All I am saying is that the circle has to begin at some point. If people find comfort and strength in their culturally chosen belief, why needlessly speculate on whether the God that they believe in was created by their need for Him or not?
As annoying as it may be for some who have to deal with believers who pedal their God like cheap heroin, it is equally as annoying when I am told that
if my God exists, I need to be able to somehow produce Him like a calculus problem in order to validate my belief.
What good would it do for me to attempt to question and doubt on the process raising enough questions in my mind so that I no longer affirm my belief? My belief is not based on the Scientific method.
Not to sound close minded and/or stubborn....I simply am curious why people are more happy with a seeker who is endlessly questioning and unable (or willfully unwilling) to arrive at any definite conclusion in their soul as opposed to a believer who has settled on a cultural icon and who is content to leave it at that.
Edited by Phat, : added jabberwocky